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Entries in Terminator 2019 (21)


Exclusive: Tim Miller On Dark Fate: Blu-Ray Features & What Could Have Been!

Terminator: Dark Fate, the best-reviewed Terminator sequel since 1991's "Terminator 2: Judgment Day, comes out on Blu-ray on January 28th so Tim Miller, the director for the film, is here to tell TheArnoldFans all about the upcoming special features!

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Exclusive: Dark Fate’s Gabriel Luna Talks Turkey, Toys and TurboMan!

On screen, Terminators can be threatening, cold hearted and take what they will. However, in the real world, Schwarzenegger and Gabriel Luna are focused on giving back! Luna, the Rev-9 from Terminator: Dark Fate has committed to joining Arnold..

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Winner of "Terminate Gerrymandering" Gives us the Exclusive On-Set "Dark Fate" Report!

When Michael Klejmont, the grand prize winner of Arnold’s campaign to Terminate Gerrymandering, won the trip to Budapest, Hungary to meet Schwarzenegger on the set of the new Terminator film, he never would have imagined the surreal glory of what would follow..

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Exclusive: The Inside Scoop on the Terminator: Dark Fate Premiere!

Ever since Terminator: Dark Fate was announced long ago, I knew my entire crew of the world’s biggest Terminator and Arnold fans would want to fly out to be by my side and to help me interview Arnold and the rest at the red carpet premiere.

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Exclusive Interview with Mackenzie Davis of Terminator: Dark Fate!

Mackenzie Davis, who plays a lead role in Terminator: Dark Fate, tells TheArnoldFans that she hasn’t seen the Terminator films until only recently but felt is was amazing to be a part of this project. I met up with Davis at San Diego Comic Con where she tells us about her earliest introduction to Arnold’s films, her injured hands, bloopers..

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Terminator: Dark Fate Comic Con Footage Breakdown, Dialogue & Sunglasses!

I can’t believe it’s already been a week since Terminator day at San Diego Comic Con! The cast panel was truly an epic experience but I’m told only the new short featurette has made it online and that the full action sequence (complete with some iconic Brad Fidel themes) that they showed in Hall H has not yet been seen.

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Exclusive: 3 New Dark Fate Product Lines Coming from WETA!

In my last Comic Con report, I covered a bit of the Terminator: Dark Fate panel but now let’s talk about some cool new collectibles coming from Weta Workshop later this year and early 2020. Weta has picked up the rights to produce Dark Fate collectibles in both highly stylized figurines in a cartoonish style and also an Arnold T-800 in a different style in an extreme action pose!

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Dark Fate Panel at Comic Con: Fan Reaction to New Footage & More!

We’ll be working on many Terminator: Dark Fate articles from our current San Diego Comic Con adventures, but first, let’s get you into the Hall H Terminator presentation panel. ..

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“Dark Fate” Clips Gets Rave Reviews from Cinema Con!

Even I was surprised to see that the tides have turned now in favor of a new Terminator film! With the last three films getting only lackluster or lukewarm reviews, critics and fans earlier said to have nearly sworn off all future Terminator films but surprisingly, Tim Miller’s direct follow-up to Judgment Day, "Dark Fate” blew away just about everyone at Cinema Con

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Exclusive Interview with Terminator’s Gabriel Luna!

TheArnoldFans caught up with Gabriel Luna at the Arnold Sports Festival this month and this T6 star was gracious enough to stop for a quick interview. Reports says Luna will play a new T-800 model Terminator and who knows..

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