Exclusive: 3 New Dark Fate Product Lines Coming from WETA!
In my last Comic Con report, I covered a bit of the Terminator: Dark Fate panel but now let’s talk about some cool new collectibles coming from Weta Workshop later this year and early 2020. Weta has picked up the rights to produce Dark Fate collectibles in both highly stylized figurines in a cartoonish style and also an Arnold T-800 in a different style in an extreme action pose!
The first product to hit the market will be the Mini Epics line with Arnold Schwarzenegger and other upcoming Terminator Dark Fate characters like Sarah Connor and more to follow. The T-800 statue gives us a perfect Schwarzenegger likeness in a cartoonish character representation and shows his battle damage with endoskeleton arm.
Next will be a very small collectible figure of Arnold as the T-800 (and possibly other characters to follow) in the Micro Epics line. Below images shows this style so imagine an Arnold version of one of these.
Finally, Weta Workshop will produce an Arnold Schwarzenegger T-800 in a wild action pose holding weaponry with a lot of cool translucent-colored firepower coming off of his weapons. The new Arnold in development will showcase maximum firepower and will be from a new line of Weta collectibles called Figures of Fandom. Below images shows this style so imagine an Arnold version of one of these.
Products will be released late October through early next year. For more updates on these fantastic collectibles for Terminator: Dark Fate, and for more articles from my Comic Con adventures, you’ll be back!

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