Dark Fate Panel at Comic Con: Fan Reaction to New Footage & More!
We’ll be working on many Terminator: Dark Fate articles from our current San Diego Comic Con adventures, but first, let’s get you into the Hall H Terminator presentation panel. Thousands of fans (most to see Arnold and Linda in this early morning panel), entered Hall H a little skeptical knowing the last few Terminator films haven’t lived up to the magic of the original two. However, after we were all treated to the latest footage (played twice) and a new featurette, fans were now erupting with cheers and are more optimistic for this direct sequel to Terminator 2.
Many fans who made sure to get in to the Thursday Terminator panel even lined up the night before to get their wristbands and hundreds of these fans even camped out overnight to get the best seats in Hall H. Everyone who attended also received a Comic Con exclusive Terminator poster. I even bumped into several fans of the franchise who wore fantastic cosplay of their favorite characters.
The presentation kicked off with a live feed of James Cameron hard at work on the Avatar sequel. He was very excited to be back as the executive Producer on Dark Fate and he dropped an epic announcement saying that Edward Furlong will be in the film. Now I imagine that he may be referring to Furlong’s CG child face superimposed over the young actor playing him but WHAT IF it was something more. The footage showed a couple of future war scenes so what if Edward Furlong himself, as an adult, is also featured in the movie or in an after-credit scene?
The host next introduced the director and this director of Deadpool received a very strong welcome from the convention fans. Tim Miller not only dropped a ton of F-bombs, he also dropped the official announcement that Terminator: Dark Fate will be rated R!
The very witty Arnold Schwarzenegger was as charismatic as ever, full of humor and enthusiasm. He walked out on stage to the Terminator theme, which really got the crowd going. Speaking of the Terminator theme, we even heard a good amount of the theme we all know and love worked into a full action sequence that was played at Comic Con.
The first teaser trailer, which we all saw a couple months ago, gave us only new characters and a few action shots but this new footage comes of much more with the feeling of a true Terminator film, complete with profanity, grit and high energy action with brutal weaponry. The audience was really pumped to see Arnold’s T-800 shoot repeatedly directly into the face of the Rev-9 at close range.
Unlike the first trailer, NOW this is looking like a Terminator film. The new footage is much more breath taking, dramatic and full of Linda and Arnold Schwarzenegger kicking ass! It was such a relief to hear the surrounding fans go wild. This new footage and panel announcements is making doubters be more optimistic and Comic Con may have just saved the franchise.
Terminator: Dark Fate hits overseas theaters late October and has a November 1st USA release and we’re more excited than ever!

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