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Entries in Terminator 2019 (21)


T6 working title: “Terminator: Dark Fate” & Arnold “Is Bad”!

We still have almost nine months to go until the November 1st release of T6 but we’re already getting in some very interesting news from the film. While promoting “Alita” on the red carpet, James Cameron told IGN that Arnold as the Terminator will be bad! This, of course, would be the ultimate dream for Terminator fans wanting Schwarzenegger returning to the killer cyborg role.

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Exclusive: T6 News, New T6 Products by Chronicle Collectibles and Endoskeleton Preorder!

During a Facebook Live chat today with Chronicle Collectibles’ own Paul Francis, the owner/creative director confirmed to TheArnoldFans that their company will most likely be the premiere company to produce high-end statue collectibles for Terminator 6 (which Paul calls "Terminator 3” considering the film follows T2). He also confirms there should be “quite a bit” of new T6 (T3) products by Chronicle Collectibles!

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Official Terminator 6 Behind the Scenes Footage!

Thanks to a YouTube post from the Hungarian National Film Fund, we have our first real good look at the new Terminator film shoot! In it, we see the main cast including Arnold, Linda Hamilton, Natalia Reyes, and Mackenzie Davis, Director Tim Miller, and legendary Producer Andrew Vajna

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Exclusive: Winner of Terminate Gerrymandering Contest Has a Blast on T6 Set!

While the set for Terminator 6 was as guarded as Fort Knox, one lucky Arnold fan infiltrated the Budapest set and was hanging out with Arnold for the day. Correction, that fan won a mega contest and was invited to the set! Michael K. is giving his exclusive story on working out with Arnold and spending a lot of time on the Terminator set to TheArnoldFans!

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Exclusive: Exclusive: Schwarzenegger & Luna Confirm Final Week of Shooting for T6!

He’s been in front of the camera of Terminator 6 for months now in Budapest but finally Arnold Schwarzenegger has been able to take a filming break these last few days to terminate gerrymandering and to also meet with his fans. On October 27th, Arnold, still with his Terminator beard, did his first ever comic con meet and greet at Alamo City Comic Con.

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Arnold Wishes Linda Hamilton Happy Birthday from Terminator Set!

The good old days are back! Arnold and the original Sarah Connor, Linda Hamilton, have been busy filming the new Terminator movie together, and September 26 was Hamilton's birthday. So Arnold marked the occasion by posting a photo to Twitter that recreates one from the T2 set.

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Terminate Gerrymandering & Hang with Arnold on the Set of Terminator 6!

It’s already been over five weeks since Arnold started filming the next Terminator and he has several more weeks to go. The amazing news is you could win the chance to hang out with Arnold Schwarzenegger on the set of the new Terminator movie!

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San Diego Comic Con: 2018 Review and What’s to Come In 2019!

TheArnoldFans were BACK at San Diego Comic Con this year and once again, there was plenty of new prototype collectibles to make all of us Terminator and Schwarzenegger fans happy. This is the biggest pop culture convention in the world and it’s always fantastic to meet up with our fellow fans..

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Arnold is BACK Filming "Terminator” as the T-800!!

Three years ago, "Terminator Genisys" was released in theaters and while it pleased a tad more than half the fans, it didn’t perform as well as we had all hoped. Considering it was not a mega box office hit, many fans believed it might be the final nail in the coffin and the franchise would be terminated forever. However, with great delight, we can announce that today - Arnold is at last BACK!

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The Brutal Facts: 2019’s “Terminator” Must Be Rated R!

In the fall of 1984, I recall vividly watching the original Terminator film and being frightened by the horror, entertained by the bloody practical effects of the cyborg putting a scalpel to his forearm and eye socket, seeing a touch of artistic nudity, and hearing Schwarzenegger

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