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Entries in interviews-terminator (21)


Exclusive: Tim Miller On Dark Fate: Blu-Ray Features & What Could Have Been!

Terminator: Dark Fate, the best-reviewed Terminator sequel since 1991's "Terminator 2: Judgment Day, comes out on Blu-ray on January 28th so Tim Miller, the director for the film, is here to tell TheArnoldFans all about the upcoming special features!

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Our Interview with the Rev-9: Gabriel Luna!

We didn't just interview the original Terminator while in L.A., we also sat down with the latest model, the Rev-9, aka Gabriel Luna! He seems very excited and happy to be the new "bad" Terminator, so we asked him some about the filming, and his resulting friendship with our hero Arnold.

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Exclusive Interview with Mackenzie Davis of Terminator: Dark Fate!

Mackenzie Davis, who plays a lead role in Terminator: Dark Fate, tells TheArnoldFans that she hasn’t seen the Terminator films until only recently but felt is was amazing to be a part of this project. I met up with Davis at San Diego Comic Con where she tells us about her earliest introduction to Arnold’s films, her injured hands, bloopers..

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Exclusive Interview with Danny Cooksey (Tim) of Terminator 2!

I know everyone is super excited for the new Terminator: Dark Fate trailer to drop so we can see what the NEW Terminator film looks like but while you’re all pacing around waiting, let’s revisit Terminator 2 with an exclusive interview I just did with Danny Cooksey, John Connor’s best friend

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Exclusive Interview Brett Azar of T5 / T6 at The Arnold Pro Strongman USA!

It was an exciting and sunny day on January 19th at the Arnold Pro Strongman USA event right on the Santa Monica Pier. It was a fantastic opportunity for fans to come out and see amazing powerlifters, bodybuilders and Arnold Schwarzenegger and best of all, the money raised for the event went to California Firefighters!

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T6 News: Present & Future Characters Together & Underwater Terminators!?

We have some NEW updates for the next Terminator trilogy thanks to our long-time follower friend, Kamal, who attended the James Cameron and Tim Miller panel at the Paramount Theater. According to our very trusted source, Kamal informed us of something very interesting for the next Terminator film

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Exclusive: T2 Stars Give Us Statements on T2 in 3D!

Terminator excitement is through the roof right now with the fans. In just a few more days, we’ll be back in movie theaters seeing T2 up on the big screen and best of all, it will be in 3D, along with some technical updates. Many fans never were able to view this fantastic film in theaters so they too can at last see it up on the big screen

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Exclusive: T2 Stars Give Statements on 25th Anniversary & 3D Release!

Well, aren’t we all feeling OLD today! Can you believe it’s been twenty five years since the release of Terminator 2: Judgement Day on July 3rd, 1991! This brings us cause for a monumental worldwide party so join us in the fun as we celebrate all day long on Facebook and Twitter.

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Actor Wayne Bastrup and WWE's Shad Gaspard Red Carpet Interviews!

We continue in our series of Terminator Genisys Red Carpet interviews with actor Wayne Bastrup. It was cool to meet him in person since he had just been on Arnold Radio News the week before. If you didn't catch that, it's episode 29: Don't Bump His Selfie Stick!

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We Chat with the Writers of Terminator Genisys!

On any red carpet, the stars of the film and other celebrities get the lions' share of attention from the press, and sure, it is cool to see and talk to them, but it's the behind the scenes contributors that often have the more interesting things to say. We love talking to these people and see how the process of getting the film made happened along with what goodies may still be in store for the Blu-ray or future installments. So when we saw the writers of Terminator Genisys walking by

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