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Entries in interviews-terminator (21)


TheArnoldFans Rocks the Terminator Genisys Red Carpet!

Now that you’ve heard our initial thoughts on Terminator Genisys and hopefully have plans for seeing it with all your friends the next few days, let’s talk about our Hollywood red carpet adventure! TAFs top dogs Randy Jennings and The Gillinator were both in Hollywood at the Dolby Theater (after an amazing Conan screening the night before… this tale shall also be told) ready for a big spectacle, and we sure got one!

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Exclusive Interview with The Terminator’s Tommy Estridge!

With so much excitement building for the newTerminator film, let’s revisit the film that started it all. Terminator Genisys will surely have some amazing weaponry but let’s look back at TheTerminator’s weapons! TheArnoldFans had a sit down interview with T1’s prop manager, Tommy Estridge, who not only gave Arnold some of his first gun-firing lessons, he was also responsible for some of cinema’s most iconic weaponry!

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Exclusive: Arnold & James Cameron Love Terminator Genisys!

For those sci-fi fans who were hoping that Terminator Genisys would be a disappointment, due to James Cameron’s lack of involvement, it looks like you’ll have to rethink your stance on summer’s biggest sci-fi action film. It turns out that the director of T1 ad T2 was responsible for not only coming up with the idea of Arnold’s aged cyborg, he also LOVES the final Terminator Genisys film!

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Exclusive Interview with Terminator’s T-800 & Arnold Set Stories!

An army of Arnold’s is marching forward to our theaters on July 1st, 2015! As you all know already from the Terminator Genisys trailer, there will be several versions of Schwarzenegger’s T-800 throughout the film. We’ve seen a gray-haired Arnold in a green jacket and a dark-haired Arnie with a leather jacket, and we also get to encounter the original 1984 nude Terminator!

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Gale Anne Hurd on Terminator's O.J. & Anniversary Reunion!

TheArnoldFans caught up with Terminator producer, Gale Anne Hurd, while she was out promoting her new season of "The Walking Dead." The last time we spoke with Gale, she admitted to us that Terminators would win in the fight against zombies, even though her zombies are powerful enough to be in the number one television series.

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Exclusive Interview with Terminator's Jai Courtney (Kyle Reese)! PG-13?

Although Terminator: Genisys won't be hitting theaters for another nine months, TheArnoldFans was able to get in several questions to one of the lead actors while Jai Courtney (Kyle Reese) was promoting UNBROKEN, his upcoming film. Jai talks endoskeletons, Terminator toys, a fitness role model and the high probability of the Terminator's rating.

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TAFs Interviews Terminator's Earl Boen: The Cockroach That Wouldn't Die!

Last November Terminator fans in Texas began to rejoice at the addition of a film reunion at Dallas convention, Texas Frightmare Weekend. They began by adding Linda Hamilton and Michael Biehn. Slowly but surely celebrity guests were added to the list….Robert Patrick, then Kristanna Loken, then Arnold’s stunt double in so many films, Peter Kent. There was a lull for about 30 days.

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Our Infrared Interview with The Terminator's Greg Robbins!

Sometimes we read the same repeating stories from the lead cast members of The Terminator so it is nice to branch out to hear from the other crew members who have fresh NEW Terminator stories.

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Arnold Talks Terminator, Triplets, Conan & Predator with TAFs!

TheArnoldFans is in Australia for the next few days covering Arnold Schwarzenegger's big visit and his participation in the 21st Century Financial Education Summit. Schwarzenegger is speaking at various locations and seminars but it hasn't been all talk about business entrepreneurs and sports leaders because Arnold did talk a little about his next big film.

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Exclusive: Jeff Dawn Shares Never-Before-Seen Terminator Photos! 

Need more Arnold news? No problemo; we have you covered. Here's a few more news reports from what's happening in the Schwarzenegger universe.

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