Exclusive Interview Brett Azar of T5 / T6 at The Arnold Pro Strongman USA!
It was an exciting and sunny day on January 19th at the Arnold Pro Strongman USA event right on the Santa Monica Pier.. It was a fantastic opportunity for fans to come out and see amazing powerlifters, bodybuilders and Arnold Schwarzenegger and best of all, the money raised for the event went to California Firefighters! TheArnoldFans, represented by our good friends Chris and Harmony Heathcoat, At the spot right by the ORIGINAL Muscle Beach, we saw many amazing powerlifters amongst Arnold’s good friends like Franco Columbu, Lou Ferrigno, Joe Manganiello and Brett Azar.

It was amazing to see 4 Terminators in one place. Arnold, Franco, Gabrielle Luna, and Brett have ALL played Terminators in the movies! We had the opportunity to interview Brett at the event and we were able to talk bodybuilding, Arnold and a little bit of Terminator 6 with the rising actor. Naturally Brett isn’t allowed to answer any spoiler questions about Terminator 6 but we tried to throw in a few safe, non-spoiler questions. Brett was once again beaming with charisma and a pleasure to speak with at the Arnold Pro Strongman USA.
Brett Azar: "Oh, I'm excellent. The weather came out for ARNOLD. When Arnold comes outside, the sun comes outside! That’s the pull that Arnold has. TheArnoldFans.com, what’s up?"
Brett Azar: "Oh, I'm not competing, No, no, no. I am not competing at The Arnold but I am going to be there at a booth. I’m going to be working. I’m going to be representing “Amazing Muscle” and I'm gonna bring that young Terminator vibe to the expo”. I’m a fan of bodybuilding, especially Arnold’s. I’m not competing, however, I will bust out Arnold poses anytime you want." (Brett goes into classic Arn Poses)
Brett Azar: "Oh, wow! No matter what number it is, whether it is Terminator 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10, anytime you’re working on an Arnold project, you’re on cloud nine. Or at least I am. I feel like a little kid in a candy store or a toy store. It’s a dream come true just to be a part of any project that Arnold is doing and with Terminator 6, with Tim Miller, he’s super cool! And come on, Linda Hamilton, the original Sarah Connor! To met her, wow! I saw her and I was like, 'Can I just hug you?' And she gives me a big kiss right on the lips! And I was like, wow! I dropped to my knees."
Brett Azar: "Well, In T5, they tried to make me be as BIG as possible. You know, I had to fill out that 1984 T-800 Arnold body. But this time, once I got that big, I stayed that big but I got a little veinier. I got a little more body fat lopped because I just wanted to look a little better on camera. I wouldn’t say it was a big improvement but hey, I was there! That was it for me and I couldn’t be happier! I got hired to come BACK to a Terminator project and that’s the best feeling in the world!"
Brett Azar: “Well, with Genisys, with that gunshot fight scene, I got a good whiplash from a rope once but you didn't care. You don't feel anything when you're filming a Terminator movie. But on Terminator 6, again, I wouldn’t know if I was injured because I was ecstatic the whole time. Maybe once I left Spain, and I came home to America, I had some kind of injury that I didn’t know about…but my head was so high in the clouds when I was filming something for Arnold. I mean, I was on an Arnold project! What more could you ask for?!"
Brett Azar: "Well, if I'm gonna be biased, the fight scene in Terminator Genisys... the fight between Arnold and I, that’s number one! Just the fight scene. The rest of the movie is okay. My grandfather introduce me to Predator when I was like three years old. Predator is up there. Terminator of course is up there. But honestly, it’s underrated, but I really love End of Days....when Arnold makes his protein shake in the beginning of that movie and Arnold throws in pizza, leftover Chinese food, a beer, Pepto-Bismol and chugs it... it’s my favorite scene of all time with Arnold."
The Arnold Pro Strongman USA featured roughly 10 of the world's greatest Strongman competitors, including:
Matjaz Belsak (Slovenia) - 2017 Arnold Pro Strongman Europe Champion
* Jean-Francois Caron (Canada) - 2018 Arnold Pro Strongman Africa Champion
* Rauno Heinla (Estonia) - 2018 Arnold Pro Strongman Australia Champion
* Jitse Kramer (Holland) - 2018 Arnold Pro Strongman Africa Runner-Up
* Martins Licics (USA) - 2018 Arnold Pro Strongman Europe Champion
* Jimmy Paquet (Canada) - 2016 Canada's Strongest Man Runner-Up
* Jerry Pritchett (USA) - 2017 America's Strongest Man
* Mateusz Kieliskowski (Poland) - 2017 Arnold Pro Strongman Africa Champion
* Mateusz Ostazsewski (Poland) - 2017 Arnold Amateur World Champion
* Log Press For Reps (385 pounds)
* Last Man Standing Deadlift (Opening Weight at 700 pounds)
* ROGUE Sandbag Carry (400 pounds)
* Atlas Stone To Shouler For Reps (400 pounds)
* Antique Fire Truck Pull

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