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Entries in interviews (41)


Exclusive Interview with Terminator’s Gabriel Luna!

TheArnoldFans caught up with Gabriel Luna at the Arnold Sports Festival this month and this T6 star was gracious enough to stop for a quick interview. Reports says Luna will play a new T-800 model Terminator and who knows..

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Exclusive: Chef Rush's 24-inch Biceps Push Motivation, Not Pencils!

Chef Rush is a combat veteran who does 2,222 pushups daily to raise awareness for the average 22 veteran suicides daily here in the USA. 24-inch biceps pop out of his chef shirt so naturally Arnold Schwarzenegger took interest in a hero with amazing biceps and a heart of gold!

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Exclusive: Patrick Schwarzenegger on New Film, Fitness Training & His Dad!

While we were at the Arnold Classic in Ohio, our own Ryan Gillen had the interview opportunity to sit down with Patrick Schwarzenegger to talk about his new film release, "Midnight Sun” by Open Road Films. Patrick accompanies his father to the Arnold Classic almost every year so he also gave his fans a special screening of the film in Columbus Ohio.

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Exclusive Interviews with Ricky Williams & Jon Lovitz of “Celebrity Apprentice”!

The New Celebrity Apprentice Boss has already terminated two people on the series and now we’re wondering who is next on the chopping block. Tune in tonight at 8pm to see if it is possibly one of these two Apprentices: comedian Jon Lovitz or NFL's Errick Lynne "Ricky" Williams Jr. I had the pleasure of speaking with both of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s apprentices on the red carpet. Actually there are three apprentices here with me considering Lovitz brought along his dog, Jerry.

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Exclusive: Matt Iseman Is the Arnold Catch-Phrase King!

When TheArnoldFans was asked to work the red carpet with "The New Celebrity Apprentice" cast, we were especially excited to speak with Arnold, John Lovitz, Laila Ali, Patrick Knapp Schwarzenegger and Tyra Banks but we knew very little about some guy named Matt Iseman.

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Exclusive: The Boss Discusses the Psychology of the "The Apprentice"!

On Friday, December 9th, TheArnoldFans took position on another red carpet for the latest Arnold Schwarzenegger project. First, the press was invited to sit indoors for a Q & A panel with the show’s talent.

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Exclusive: On the Red Carpet with Harrison Ford, Takei, & Shriver!

Harrison Ford and Maria Shriver, among other great individuals who left a significant mark in California, were in attendance at the CA Hall of Fame ceremony on November 30th for their induction into the 2016 class.

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Stars & Cast Talk & Jingle All the Way with TheArnoldFans!

'Tis the season to put those cookies down and to raise your Christmas spirits! If you're not too bust re-watching Jingle All the Way on a continuous loop, read our new statements about the Schwarzenegger film given to us by cast members Sinbad and E.J. de la Pena. Megan Fox and Scott Eastwood also chime in on our favorite holiday film...

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Exclusive: Joe Perry, Sarah McLachlan & Nikki Sixx on Pumping Up!

TheArnoldFans had some recent opportunities to speak to a few famous rock stars and accomplished musicianswhile they’ve been out promoting their new projects so naturally we asked them all about fitness and pumping iron. We chatted with Joe Perry, Sarah McLachlan & Nikki Sixx (formally of Mötley Crüe).

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Exclusive Interview with Keanu Reeves: Bill & Ted & Pumping Up

During recent film promotion for the new film, John Wick, we had the opportunity to chat with Keanu Reeves about Bill & Ted, George Carlin and pumping iron. Not only does Keanu mention Bill & Ted 3 in his online responses, he also talks about possibly doing Marvel's "Dr. Strange" and chats with us about hitting the gym!

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