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Exclusive: The Boss Discusses the Psychology of the "The Apprentice"!

On Friday, December 9th, TheArnoldFans took position on another red carpet for the latest Arnold Schwarzenegger project. First, the press was invited to sit indoors for a Q & A panel with the show’s talent. While the Apprentice musicians could not make this premiere, due to concert tours, most of the cast from “The New Celebrity Apprentice” including the boss’s boardroom advisors like Tyra Banks and Patrick Knapp Schwarzenegger were all in attendance at the premiere inside a Universal Studio’s sound stage.

To all of our surprise, Arnold stepped out on stage with a cast on his right leg. This robotic looking cast made him look even more like a stoic Terminator while he walked. It was nothing serious as Arnold only described it as a “stress fracture” and brushed it off as it was nothing to stop him from getting back into the action once it heals.

After a short video, which premiered for our group, the floor was open for questions. I was the first to raise my hand so TheArnoldFans got in the first question towards the panel of guests. As you might have expected, our question went to the boss.

TheArnoldFans: Hi Arnold, unlike Donald Trump, I was told you actually attended every “Apprentice” challenge. Did you feel it was important to be at ALL the challenges?


Arnold Schwarzenegger: “Thank you for the question. Yes. Well, I think I could make better decisions and many times they did not know I was there. I would sneak in and watch them preparing and studying and trying to figure out what the campaign should look like for whatever the task may have been and it was just really interesting for me to watch both of those teams and it gave me a little bit of a head start rather that just relying on my advisor or expert advisors that were with me and have them come back with a report. This way, it would really give me a head’s up to exactly what was going on. And with the dynamics - because that’s always important for when you have to come back into the board room, that I know who is already fighting while they are preparing themselves. And as you know, the psychology behind all of this is extremely important so you can set up great competitions, drama, battles and all these kinds of things."


After Arnold thanked me for coming and posed with me on the red carpet, he even joked about a bodybuilding version of Celebrity Apprentice.

TheArnoldFans: Will any of your close friends like, James Cameron, Stallone or Franco Columbu make cameos onto this season of “apprentice”?

Arnold Schwarzenegger: “Franco? Haha, sure, if I need him, he’d be the first one I’d call, you can count on that. Absolutely, next I should have an Apprentice with all the bodybuilding champions.”

Arnold gave me a good wink and smile but if there are some special cameos, we’ll have to wait for the surprises ourselves come January 2nd, 2017 on the two hour season premiere.


Finally, Schwarzenegger even brought up a continuation in his film career in addition to TV boss. For the first time since T5’s release, Arnold brought up Terminator 6! Is it possible Paramount Pictures and Skydance finally have plans to move forward with a Terminator continuation to the film which brought in a solid $440 million?

Schwarzenegger: “We are prepping the Conan movie and Terminator 6. There’s a lot of things in the works.”

We are pumped that Arnold will BE BACK in so many promising movies but we’re also very excited that he’ll be on our TV sets every week! Watch the two hour season premiere of “The New Celebrity Apprentice” starring  Arnold Schwarzenegger on January 2nd, 2017!


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