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Entries in interviews (41)


Exclusive Interview: The Muscle behind the Fitocracy Spark!

Ever since Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger began his “Pumping Iron” days, he shocked the world with his accomplishments in muscles, exercise and athleticism. Without a doubt, The Austrian Oak has been the greatest role model for once low-esteemed couch potato zeroes turned confident athletic heroes. Followers would ride the rails of his fitness train. Come with Arnold if you wanted to live a healthier lifestyle and do some push-ups on the lawn of the White House when Schwarzenegger was on the President’s Council of Physical Fitness.

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TAFs Interviews Franco Columbu: Movies, Bodybuilding & Conquests!

Congratulations to Franco Columbu for his big award and induction into the 2013 International Sports Hall of Fame ceremony! on Friday, March 27th, we were invited to cover the awards ceremony, which was also attended by the Sardinian Strongman’s best friend, Arnold (The Oak) Schwarzenegger.

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Exclusive Interview: Sonny Landham (Billy) Gets the Last laugh!

You know you’re feeling old when one of our most beloved films is going to turn 26 this year! Predator might be a blast from our past but it still holds up as one of the all-time greatest action movies. Feeling nostalgic and wanting to uncover some behind-the-scenes stories of the movie, I decided to call the coolest cinematic Indian tracker, Billy, played by Sonny Langham.

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Jim Lorimer Tells TAFs What to Expect for the 2013 Arnold Classic!

"Two weeks!" Who's coming with us to Ohio for the 2013 Arnold Sports Festival? TheArnoldFans staff will be in full celebration mode for the 25-year anniversary of the Arnold Classic, the world's biggest and best bodybuilding/fitness event.

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TAFs Interviews TLS's Jaimie Alexander and Daniel Henney!

Earlier we brought you red carpet interviews with The Last Stand's director Kim Jee-Woon and the sheriff played by Arnold "The Oak" Schwarzenegger. Now walking down the carpet, in Mr. Freeze approving temperatures, are two other heroes: Jaimie Alexander (Sarah Torrance) and Daniel Henney (FBI Agent Phil Hayes).

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TAFs Interviews Peter Kent: The Man Behind the T-800 Mask!

Although Arnold Schwarzenegger does many of his own stunts, he's not crazy enough to do a bike jump down into a concrete canal only to speed past a T-1000-driven truck. Arnold is certainly ballsy and may want to attempt some of these wild stunts but the studio executives won't risk their lead action hero get injured.

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Arnold Book Tour in Full Pump!

This week has been a whirlwind book tour for Arnold, as he went from New York to DC to Columbus to Toronto, and fans have been flocking to his book signings! That includes us, of course, as Brandon Krum caught him in New York, The Gillinator said hi in DC, and Corey, the Gillinator's brother, saw Arnold in Columbus! We'll be back with full reports and pictures shortly. In the meantime, if you're near L.A. or Huntington Beach, CA, you can still catch Arnold on Friday or Saturday- check the schedule on and send us your pics or stories of meeting the Oak in person! All reports say he is being very gracious, signing, shaking hands, and taking time with all the fans he can.

Arnold has been hitting the talk show and news circuit as well with some great interviews. Here's a list of the major ones you can watch online:

ESPN 30 for 30: Arnold's Blueprint

60 Minutes (starting around 18 minutes)

Good Morning America

The Daily Show

Washington Post Live

It's apparent from the interviews that very little is off limits-- Arnold talks about his life as he details it in the book, both his amazing achievements and regretful mistakes. This is probably the most personal we've seen Arnold get in interviews, just talking about what makes hiim the knd of man he is. Then John Stewart is always good at bringing levity to serious matters, saying how Arnold should just come back from the future to fix things and being creeped out by Arnold's skull ring!


60 Minutes Interview & Mega Arnold Movie News!

Arnold punched us all in the face today with a blissful blow of movie news and the impact feels oh so good! On Monday, September 24th, we thought we were lucky enough to be treated to the streaming Arnold speech from the Schwarzenegger Institute but the news just kept coming and coming throughout the day. Next we heard Arnold would be on "Good Morning America" in NY on Monday morning, October 1st. Shortly after we read he’d be on "60 Minutes" on Sunday the 29th! Watch the trailer for the "60 Minutes" Schwarzenegger special HERE!

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Arnold's Voice Twin Does Yackety Yack with TAFs!

By now you're probably all familiar with the contest to win an opportunity for The Austrian Oak himself to leave a personal phone message for YOU! Well, odds of winning will be great but you should certainly try! However, when the contest is all over and if you find yourself in a funk that you did not win, we have the perfect solution! Arnold fan Joe Gaudet is your PLAN B to get a pumped-up phone recording!

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Exclusive: Verhoeven Spits on Total Recall Remake! 

A few days ago I ran into Paul Verhoeven at a cafe in Venice and I could not help but to interrupt his breakfast to express my disgust in the new Total Recall film and proclaim my love for the 1989 original. The whole way through the new film, I wished the projector would break and that they'd substitute that damaged film with the original Arnold Schwarzenegger/Verhoeven masterpiece.

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