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Entries in interviews-escape plan (9)


More Escape Plan Interviews: Amy Ryan & Mark Canton!

We're wrapping up our Escape Plan Premiere coverage with two more interviews from the red carpet in New York. First up is the lovely and talented Amy Ryan! She has appeared in movies such as Gone Baby Gone and War of the Worlds, as well as TV shows like The Wire and The Office (as Michael's quirky love interest Holly). Let's hear what she had to say.

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Jim Caviezel Scolds TAFs: "I'm not the Villain!"

We continue our coverage of the red carpet premiere of Escape Plan with our interview with a fantastic actor who brings a lot to his role as the warden: Jim Caviezel! I admire this guy a lot and can't think of a role he hasn't been great in, from Frequency to Deja Vu, and of course as Jesus in Passion of the Christ. The role of the antagonist, or villain, is a key role in any movie like this, and Caviezel goes all in...

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TAFs Exclusive Interview with Escape Plan's Faran Tahir!

During the New York red carpet premiere of Escape Plan, I had the opportunity and honor of interviewing Faran Tahir, one of the lead characters, who has some very funny and impressive scenes along with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Tahir plays Javed, a Muslim inmate "disappeared" for life in the top secret Tomb prison.

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Exclusive: TAFs Attends Escape Plan Red Carpet & Interviews Mikael Håfström.

Brandon Krum here with some tales of high adventure! It was Tuesday, October 15th at around 7pm. The Gillinator and I were positioned at our prime spot INSIDE the theater lobby during the Escape Plan Premier right next to the likes of MTV and other TV journalists! We had the opportunity to talk to some of the films biggest names, including Arnold himself!

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Gillinator and Krum on Escape Plan's Red Carpet! 

Escape Plan is out in theaters NOW! What are you doing reading this article, get your ass to the movies!

Oh, you're just killing time between the multiple screenings of Escape Plan as you marathon all weekend? OK, read on then.

As usual, TheArnoldFans was honored with a spot on the red carpet for Arnold's latest U.S. movie premiere. What was different this time, is that the premiere was NOT in L.A. like most, but New York City!

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Exclusive Interview with Escape Plan’s Composer Alex Heffes + Win the Soundtrack!

Great action heroes, a talented director and a powerful soundtrack are often considered the three main essentials that make a great action movie. The combination of these for Escape Plan adds up and makes for a fantastic film (out in theaters NOW). Today we have one of the key contributors with us but before I introduce the film’s composer to you, let me announce something else special.

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Escape Plan’s Schwarzenegger Talks T5 and Rambo Vs Conan!

As promised, here’s our second interview from the fan-screening of Escape Plan, which occurred three months before the film’s actual release date of October 18th! First, Stallone stepped up to our spot on the red carpet but now we’re ready to share our Schwarzenegger interview. After he signed a few fan’s posters, he turned to face me. I

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Escape Plan’s Sly Stallone Talks Ex3 and Rambo Vs Commando! 

With our red carpet access to interview Arnold and Stallone at San Diego’s Comic Con fan-screening of Escape Plan, we got a great view of the excited fans who entertained us with their Arnold impersonations and some even dressed up as Schwarzenegger’s characters.

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TAFs Interviews the Visual Effects Supervisor of Escape Plan!

With last week's release of the Escape Plan trailer, movie goers (even general audiences and one-time naysayers) are all now eagerly anticipating this prison break adventure! The Escape Plan trailer not only shows us the two greatest action heroes of all time, it features a few visual effects shots done by Chris Wells and his team at Hydraulx

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