Exclusive Interview with Escape Plan’s Composer Alex Heffes + Win the Soundtrack!
Great action heroes, a talented director and a powerful soundtrack are often considered the three main essentials that make a great action movie. The combination of these for Escape Plan adds up and makes for a fantastic film (out in theaters NOW). Today we have one of the key contributors with us but before I introduce the film’s composer to you, let me announce something else special. We are kicking off a NEW contest starting NOW for the fans to WIN our latest prize. We have 10 digital copies of Escape Plan to award many lucky fans!
Escape Plan: The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is Courtesy of Metropolis Movie Music. Prizes awarded as followed: 3 of our digital copies will go to winners of our Halloween costume contest, 4 copies will be awarded to select lucky fans who send us pictures of them at the theater holding an Escape Plan ticket and 3 winners will be picked at random by sending us your name and email to RandyTAFs@yahoo.com! Contest is now open. TheArnoldFans.com contest ends on October 30th, 2013. Contest is open to all fans worldwide! Good luck!
Now let me introduce you to one of the main stars from Escape Plan. Here he comes now, the composer of one very impressive soundtrack and a man who’s not afraid to be locked-up in a film with the two toughest action heroes of all time. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Alex Heffes.
TheArnoldFans: What do you feel is the best instrument to accompany Arnold's screen presence? And same question for Stallone.
Alex Heffes: Arnold plays a mysterious character in the movie - Emil Rottmeyer. His theme is played on low cellos and has a slightly exotic sort of harmony to get over his 'man of mystery' persona! I couldn't resist giving him a bit of a bad-ass musical entrance to the movie though. You'll know what I mean when you see it! Breslin (AKA Sly Stallone) has a theme that you hear at the start of movie. It's a restless string theme that is constantly rising - like it's constantly searching for the way out of a maze...
TheArnoldFans: Have you gotten the opportunity yet to meet Arnold or Stallone?
AH: No. I haven't met either. I would have liked to make the premiere in NYC, but work commitments...
TheArnoldFans: What was your musical goal for this film?
AH: The main aim is the for the audience to have fun. The movie is a great ride. I want them going away thinking they have had a great night out at the movies. I hope the music can add to that.
TheArnoldFans: Which composers are your favorites for the action genre?
AH: All the greats. Jerry Goldsmith, Alan Silvestri. John Powell is great with action scores too.
TheArnoldFans: How long have you been an Arnold fan and what are your top 3 Arnold soundtracks?
AH: I grew up in the 70's and 80's. So how could I not be a fan! True Lies is definitely high up there for me plus Total Recall (great opening title sequence!) and the Terminator. Need I go on?!
TheArnoldFans: Did you watch any prison movies to prepare and did you use any instruments that you felt gives audiences a prison mood?
AH: No I didn't watch any prison movies in preparation. I like to react to what I'm seeing directly. The first thing I wanted to do is give the prison itself a 'theme' and sound. You first hear this when Breslin arrives in 'The Tomb'. It's a pretty weird hi-tech place so the music has a mix of synths and electronics with an orchestral background to give it scale. The prison is pretty epic.
Thanks, Alex! Okay fans, if you haven't already seen Escape Plan, NOW is a great time to go for your first, second or third viewing! Be sure to pay extra attention to the soundtrack during your repeat viewings as Alex's score is worth a separate admission. I'm certainly enjoying listening to this digital copy provided to me by Metropolis Movie Music.
Since Alex Heffes is such a big Arnold fan, I detect nods to Predator (exotic flavors). Overall the soundtrack is like no other Schwarzenegger-scored film. It's mysterious and high tech with a robust orchestral background. Track 4: "Entering the Tomb" is haunting with constantly rising strings that lead to fantastic Tron: Legacy-like synths and electronics.
The soundtrack is now available for sale and available by Metropolis Movie Music. ESCAPE PLAN is a collaboration of two close friends - Heffes and director Mikael Håfström – resulting in a perfect mix of hard action thriller screenplay and beautifully composed orchestral music which makes this an impeccable piece of work.
Photos by Caroline True
You can buy the Escape Plan soundtrack now at: www.buythesoundtrack.com

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