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Exclusive: Arnold Declares WAR on Robert Davi!

Robert Davi of Raw Deal, Predator 2 and The Goonies, might not have had a brutal on-screen battle with Schwarzenegger but I’d learn he did have many off-screen ones. All in good fun, these two would give each other a hard time on the set of Raw Deal and Davi saves his best behind-the-scenes stories for us at TheArnoldFans!

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Recall’s Lycia Naff Makes Us Wish We Had 3 Hands!

Benny, before he got screwed, was enjoying handfuls of pleasure inside The Last Resort. Here, Martians would gamble, drink, tell fortunes or ever perform sex acts with willing “Earth slime” participants. But when our hero Arnold Schwarzenegger walks in, does he too want to squeeze the cans of Mary, the hooker with three boobs? TheArnoldFans interviewed Lycia Naff, who played Total Recall’s Mary to find out if Douglas Quaid ever jokingly felt-up the mam-tastic prosthetic. Lycia shares her tales from within the raunchiest brothel on Mars.

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Escape Plan Trailer Debuts at Cinemacon!

As we reported on our Facebook page, Lionsgate premiered the first trailer for Arnold and Sly's recently renamed movie "Escape Plan" at the Cinemacon convention in Las Vegas! We were hoping it would've popped up online by now, but unforntunately, that hasn't happened. What we do have is a brief description from

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Arnold's Driving, YouTube Remix, and other Web Stuff!

Don't let the lack of big Arnold news get you down! Here are a few tidbits from around the web that will help! Just the fact that on a random week there can be 5 links of new Arnold-related content is a testament to Arnold's staying power in our pop-culture psyche. The web is a constant treasure trove of Schwarzenegger references!

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Arnold's Foreword in Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha!

Like an action hero, you were born to achieve greatness. But somewhere along the way you started to live an ordinary life. Fitness experts John Romaniello and Adam Bornstein developed a system that targets hormone optimization; their approach is specifically designed to transform you into the Alpha you were always meant to be. Strong. Confident. Powerful. Barbarian King.

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The Last Stand Blu-ray Details, SteelBooks & LEGO!

On May 21st, the adventurous Schwarzenegger romp "The Last Stand" will be coming to DVD and Blu-Ray. Action hero fans everywhere should run out and purchase a copy to drive up the numbers of the 36 million dollar box office take.The big question is... WHICH DVD or Blu-ray edition do you buy?

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The Tomb Gets a Title Change & New Release Date!

Summit Entertainment has moved the release date for Escape Plan (formerly The Tomb) to September 13th, two weeks earlier than its original date of 9/27/13. Although we're very happy to have this long-awaited film bumped up, many fans are in an uproar like rioting prisoners over the termination of the original beloved title.

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Exclusive Interview: The Muscle behind the Fitocracy Spark!

Ever since Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger began his “Pumping Iron” days, he shocked the world with his accomplishments in muscles, exercise and athleticism. Without a doubt, The Austrian Oak has been the greatest role model for once low-esteemed couch potato zeroes turned confident athletic heroes. Followers would ride the rails of his fitness train. Come with Arnold if you wanted to live a healthier lifestyle and do some push-ups on the lawn of the White House when Schwarzenegger was on the President’s Council of Physical Fitness.

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Weider Gets Tributes & Sammartino to Get a Grand Induction!

As many of you know, TheArnoldFans has been covering the unfortunate passing of Arnold's mentor and "father figure" Joe Weider over the past few days on Facebook and Twitter. Weider, a leading figure in bodybuilding, who died at the age of 93, brought Schwarzenegger to the US early in his career and helped him achieve the American dream as he became an international movie star. TAFs spoke with the legend in 2009 when we asked him if Arnold would still be the success that he is today without his help.

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New Documentary Celebrates 25 Years of the Arnold Sports Festival!

Another great discovery we made at this year's Arnold Classic was meeting with filmmaker Patrick Rivera who has just finished a documentary about the Arnold Sports Festival called ASF25! He was at a booth selling DVDs so we picked up a few copies to check out. It's a great retrospective from the beginnings of Jim Lorimer and Arnold's partnership to the gradual steady growth of the Classic as it became the huge event it is today with more competitors than the Olympics.

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