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Entries in arnocorps (6)


Unbelievable: ArnoCorps Kickstarter Crowd Funding for New Comedy EP!

Our all-time favorite band is BACK! ArnoCorps, who describe their genre as “ballsy originators of Action Adventure Hardcore Rock & Roll, inspired by ancient Austrian alpine lore,” have returned to crowd funding for their new audio assault titled “The Unbelievable EP" set to release in early 2017.

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Exclusive: Photo Tour of Arnold Museum Courtesy of ArnoCorps!

When TheArnoldFans got wind that ArnoCorps were heading to Austria this past summer to bring their “live action adventure audio assaults” to Graz and Vienna, we made sure that a visit to the Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum was part of their ballsy tour itinerary. As long-time readers may know, TAFs first witnessed ArnoCorps in 2001 and we were enthralled by their hardcore rock ’n’ roll interpretations

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Arnocorps Launches Wheel of Pain Push-ups App 2.0!

In their continued effort to facilitate the development of ballsy personas and upper body strength, ARNOCORPS, the pioneers of Action-Adventure Hardcore Rock and Roll, proudly release version 2.0 of their internationally acclaimed WHEEL OF PAIN PUSH-UPS app for iOS, an unprecedented mix of music, strength training and mobile technology.

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Build Strength like Conan the Barbarian on the Wheel of Pain Push-Ups App!

As Arnold fans, we’ve all been inspired by the unbelievable transformation of Conan as he was strapped to the Wheel of Pain, eventually building his Mr. Olympia physique as he was forced to push the wheel around and around for years. Now this ballsy strength-building metaphor has been adapted to real-world training!

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TAFs Premieres New Song “Crown of Iron” by ArnoCorps!

Get ya ass to the ArnoCorps CD Release Party! Join TheArnoldFans on our evening of high adventure as we attend yet another glorious night with the greatest band of all time! On Friday, June 14, ArnoCorps will be partying hard and kicking off an audio assault for their record release party at Slim’s in San Francisco, California.

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Founder of Austrian Death Machine Jailed, Not For Plagiarizing ArnoCorps!

The founder of Arnold Schwarzenegger parody band Austrian Death Machine has been arrested in Southern California in a sting operation for allegedly attempting to arrange the murder of his estranged wife, according to the San Diego County sheriff's department. Tim Lambesis, 32, was arrested Tuesday and has been charged with three federal counts, including solicitation of another to commit murder and two counts of conspiracy to commit crime, as reported by various news outlets.

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