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TAFs Interviews Franco Columbu: Movies, Bodybuilding & Conquests!

Congratulations to Franco Columbu for his big award and induction into the 2013 International Sports Hall of Fame ceremony! on Friday, March 27th, we were invited to cover the awards ceremony, which was also attended by the Sardinian Strongman’s best friend, Arnold (The Oak) Schwarzenegger.

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Exclusive: A "Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles" MOVIE?! 

Get ya ass to (Veronica) Mars! In the wake of the multi-million dollar "Veronica Mars" Kickstarter campaign, a movement set forward by the fans to revive the show, I wondered if Kickstarter might also be the perfect solution to revive the sci-fi fan-favorite TV series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

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Edward Furlong's Big Comeback in "Matt's Chance"!

Edward Furlong, star of Terminator 2, looks like he might be getting another chance for success in the new film titled Matt's Chance.

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On the Hunt for NECA's Series 8 Predator Figs! Series 9 is Coming! 

Go, NOW! Take a choppa or run out and buy the all new Arnold Schwarzenegger Dutch Schaefer figures from NECA's Predator Series 8 line! Never before have collectors been blessed with Dutch action figures and NECA perfectly captured Schwarzenegger's likeness!

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Sports Hall of Fame 2013 - A Classy Affair!

Saturday is by far the busiest day of The Arnold Classic weekend-- the expo is packed, competitions are happening all day and night, and there's just a palpable buzz of excitement and energy (especially when Arnold is nearby). In the middle of this crazy day, however, is an invite-only event that Dr. Robert Goldman (or Dr. Bob as he is often called) was gracious enough to get us on the list for: The International Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony!

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Predator News: 3D Blu-ray, Websites, Toys & the Fans!

Hot off of our exclusive interview with Billy (Sonny Landham), we thought we’d continue on with more Predator news. We’ve just learned that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Predator will be coming out in 3D later this year! Yeah, we were excited too thinking it was going to be rereleased in the theater, but no, the film is just coming out on Blu-ray 3D for those of you who own a 3D television.

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Exclusive Interview: Sonny Landham (Billy) Gets the Last laugh!

You know you’re feeling old when one of our most beloved films is going to turn 26 this year! Predator might be a blast from our past but it still holds up as one of the all-time greatest action movies. Feeling nostalgic and wanting to uncover some behind-the-scenes stories of the movie, I decided to call the coolest cinematic Indian tracker, Billy, played by Sonny Langham.

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TAFs in the Front Row While Arnold Talks New Movies!

Sunday, the last day of The Arnold Sports Festival, has always been our most anticipated and favorite day. This year was no exception. The Arnold training seminar titled "Champions & Legends Sunday Morning Showcase" is packed full of sleepy but dedicated Arnold fans.

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Walt Disney Magic: Arnold and Lorimer Create a Classic “Theme Park”!

On every street, there are Arnold banners. In every nearby hotel lobby, there are event posters and balloons showing Schwarzenegger’s double-bicep pose. “ARNOLD PARKING,” reads the electronic signs for our vehicles.

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Terminator Gallery, Interviews & Other News!

While TAFs staff is packing up for Ohio's Arnold Sports Festival, happening in a couple of days, we thought we'd put out a last-minute news story to get you caught up on some recent Schwarzenegger news.

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