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New Documentary Celebrates 25 Years of the Arnold Sports Festival!

Another great discovery we made at this year's Arnold Classic was meeting with filmmaker Patrick Rivera who has just finished a documentary about the Arnold Sports Festival called ASF25! He had a booth selling DVDs so we picked up a few copies to check out. It's a great retrospective from the beginnings of Jim Lorimer and Arnold's partnership to the gradual steady growth of the Classic as it became the huge event it is today with more competitors than the Olympics. The filmmakers obtained new interviews with key people, including Jim, Arnold, and emcee Lonnie Teper (who somehow reminds me of the Rekall guy who tries to get Arnold to swallow the pill), as well as past champions like Ronnie Coleman and Branch Warren, and female champions Jennifer Worth and Nicole Wilkins. The interviews are interspersed with footage from some events, past and present, and the expo.

This documentary is an excellent watch if you've ever been to the Classic and helps appreciate the history of the event, or even if you've never been to the Classic and just want to hear some great insight and stories from fitness legends. Arnold and Jim touch on the future a bit as they talk about expansion into Madrid and Rio- and how the plan is to eventually be on every continent in the world! 

So what are you waiting for? Watch the trailer below, like them on Facebook, then go buy the DVD right over HERE. Tell them TheArnoldFans sent you! 


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