Latest Arnold Report: EX3, Terminator Talk & Escape Plan!
We hope you all had a fantastic weekend but now let's get back into the swing of things with the latest Schwarzenegger news! There's been lots going on so let's just dive into some news in no particular order. How about some Terminator discussion first? Terminator: TSCC and Walking Dead composer Bear McCreary tells TheArnoldFans that he misses his Terminator TV series and answers our question if he'd consider doing the score for Terminator 5.
TAFs: Do you miss the Terminator universe and would you be willing to do the score for Terminator 5?
Bear: I miss working in the Terminator universe very much. I would be honored to continue working in that franchise, but I must admit... I want to continue the series more than I want to work on the movies. I very much miss working with my Sarah Connor Theme. I have variations of it still rolling around in my head. I wish we could've done more."
Thanks to John Mongan for sending us this Terminator mural image from Hollywood, CA. In other Terminator news, our friend Tyler Maples flew out to The Calgary Expo to get his photo taken with several legendary cast members.
Tyler: "When I saw they were doing the Calgary expo, I knew I better go assuming that may be my only chance to get the cast photo op. You just never know if they will do another one. I would estimate about 150 people in line for the cast photo op. They were all really nice but didn't have time to ask about the movie and didn't hear them talking about it. 1 guy brought a Big Terminator head that he held up in his photo. The cast seemed to really be enjoying everything, they were laughing and joking around between photos. The Calgary expo went from April 26-28. The only other person I met was Carrie Fisher."
Stallone started to become a little more active on Twitter these days. Not only did he confirm that Blade star Wesley Snipes is confirmed for The Expendables 3, he said chances are good that we may also see Antonio Benderas join the cast. After Mel Gibson turned the project down to deal with his own demons, Aussie film director Patrick Hughes is said to helm the third film. Schwarzenegger is still rumored to BE BACK!
Stallone also shared a comment on his September release: "ESCAPE PLAN is a good movie which is a very rare thing."
TAFs has a few more Escape Plan reports in the works so be sure to stick around!
Finally, Arnold helped make a secret video for @seanoconnz. It is rumored that this filmed skit might be for Sean's Comedy Channel show which will air on May 17th at 12:30am. Set those DVRs!

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