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Entries in Randy Jennings (212)


Exclusive: Joe Perry, Sarah McLachlan & Nikki Sixx on Pumping Up!

TheArnoldFans had some recent opportunities to speak to a few famous rock stars and accomplished musicianswhile they’ve been out promoting their new projects so naturally we asked them all about fitness and pumping iron. We chatted with Joe Perry, Sarah McLachlan & Nikki Sixx (formally of Mötley Crüe).

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Gale Anne Hurd on Terminator's O.J. & Anniversary Reunion!

TheArnoldFans caught up with Terminator producer, Gale Anne Hurd, while she was out promoting her new season of "The Walking Dead." The last time we spoke with Gale, she admitted to us that Terminators would win in the fight against zombies, even though her zombies are powerful enough to be in the number one television series.

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Exclusive Interview with Keanu Reeves: Bill & Ted & Pumping Up

During recent film promotion for the new film, John Wick, we had the opportunity to chat with Keanu Reeves about Bill & Ted, George Carlin and pumping iron. Not only does Keanu mention Bill & Ted 3 in his online responses, he also talks about possibly doing Marvel's "Dr. Strange" and chats with us about hitting the gym!

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Exclusive: The Tiki Motel's Termination & History.

While we should all be celebrating the 30th Anniversary of The Terminator this month, some sad news rains on our party. It turns out that we've lost one of cinema's greatest on-screen motels. The Tiki Motel, where John Connor was conceived in a night of passion, closed its doors for good. Our own Christoph Peitler shares this unfortunate report:

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Exclusive Interview with Terminator's Jai Courtney (Kyle Reese)! PG-13?

Although Terminator: Genisys won't be hitting theaters for another nine months, TheArnoldFans was able to get in several questions to one of the lead actors while Jai Courtney (Kyle Reese) was promoting UNBROKEN, his upcoming film. Jai talks endoskeletons, Terminator toys, a fitness role model and the high probability of the Terminator's rating.

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Exclusive: Francis Ford Coppola Tells Us John Milius May Be Conan Ready!

Our favorite barbarian was recently honored at the Almeria Film Festival on Sunday, September 28 and was given a star in the street next to Max Von Sydow's star. Arnold Schwarzenegger arrived in a motorcade and there were thousands of fans scattered about the city to see him while Conan's soundtrack played on. The Austrian Oak signed a Conan poster and an Atlantean movie replica sword for the Museum of Film.

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Schwarzenegger & Sons Unveil the Official 38th Governor Portrait!

TheArnoldFans couldn't have been happier with the seat we were given to witness the unveiling of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's official portrait on Monday the 8th! Sitting right behind Franco Columbu and a couple rows behind Schwarzenegger and sons, I awaited this man of the hour to address this largest-ever-gathering for a Governor painting reveal.

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Chill out at The WB VIP Tour! One Cooooool Adventure!

When I heard that this new Warner Brothers VIP Tour in Burbank, CA had a Mr. Freeze Schwarzenegger costume on display, I knew I had to go. Little did I know this tour was one of Los Angeles's greatest hidden treasures and is a MUST see for ANYONE (Arnold fan or not) to take the two hour tour! Tell your driver what you're most interested in and they will bring up tour facts about your favorite TV shows, movies or actors. I naturally requested the Arnold package.

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EX3 Celebrity Interviews: Davi, Sorvino, Zito, Perlman & Banderas!

TheArnoldFans spent another fantastic evening on the red (actually black) carpet and this time it was for The Expendables 3 premiere in Hollywood. It was a blast talking about Arnold to the Austrian Oak's Expendables 3 co-stars so get ready for some new interviews, comments and premiere photos. My camera crew for TheArnoldFans, Chris Heathcoat and Jamin Fite, were the first to pose for us on the carpet.

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Exclusive: Expendables 3 Composer In the Running to Score Terminator?!

While I was speaking with Brian Tyler, Expendables 1, 2 and 3 composer at the Hollywood premiere, we talked about the music he chose to give each of these lead action stars but we also talked about his upcoming projects. Tyler shared with TheArnoldFans what his next huge action film he’ll compose and which future Arnold films he’d consider.

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