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Entries in escape plan (18)


Escape Plan Set Visit PART 3: Stallone Attacks!

On this glorious day, while I was on the set of Escape Plan, I spoke with Arnold about several topics including cigars, New Orleans cuisine, his acting and the future of Conan. It was unfortunate that The Oak’s co-star, Stallone, was not going to be on the set this day (so I was told) but this surreal day of speaking with Arnold, dressed as the grey-bearded Emil Rottmayer, was a day I’ll never forget.

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"Escape Plan" Review: Do We Achieve the Maximum Pump?

First of all, let me say that i'm very happy to hear about the overseas box office sales and the many sold-out theater showings of Arnold and Sly's new action film. Escape Plan opened a week ago in several parts of the world but for the majority of fans, we have to wait until the official release this friday, October 18th

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Our Top 10 Ways to increase Escape Plan's Box Office! 

The time has come, Arnold's army! Though we've gotten two sample size servings of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone side-by-side in the Expendables films, our big screen dream is out in theaters next week! On Friday, October 18th (with possible midnight screenings if you check you local theater), ESCAPE PLAN is finally out in the USA!

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We Have Escape Plan Promos: Enter to WIN Prizes!

What will you be wearing to the theater on October 18th when you’ll be watching Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone in a theater near you? An Escape Plan shirt or a hat? Or maybe you’ll wear a cool black beanie and celebrate the film’s release from a party beverage inside of an Escape Plan koozie? If you want the proper attire and accesories, then you’re in luck! Summit Entertainment just sent a batch of Escape Plan movie promo items so if you want to win some, enter our contest below!

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FREE Escape Plan Tixs & Swag at Geppi's Entertainment Museum!

Geppi's Entertainment Museum is giving out FREE tickets to an advance screening of the Sylvester Stallone / Arnold Schwarzenegger team-up "Escape Plan" showing at AMC White Marsh 16 on Oct 15, 2013 at 7 PM! Geppi's Entertainment Museum also has a very limited number of Escape Plan themed T shirts (L & XL), ball caps, beanies, drink koozies, plastic cups and mini-posters for those who stop by and ask for them. One promo item per person in addition to the movie ticket.


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Exclusive "Escape Plan" Set Visit with a "CONAN" Update!

In my Escape Plan set visit PART 1 , I told you all about the constructed sets on the New Orleans soundstage, the filming within the interrogation room and how Arnold, dressed as prisoner Emil Rottmayer, pushed the chicken strips on me. I was going to just give you a PART 2 and be done, however, in light of some new "CONAN" news, you're getting this bonus segment and then later in PART 3, you'll hear about my encounter with Sylvester Stallone along with other memorable Escape Plan stories. 

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Breaking Free: New International "Escape Plan" Posters!

Today we received two new Escape Plan international film posters from the overseas distrubutors. While these are official overseas posters, these will not be making their way here to the U.S. teritories. We will however get at least one more poster in the United States (different from these posters below). TheArnoldFans was told that these posters released today "were not authorized" so these will not be distributed here.

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Escape Plan’s Schwarzenegger Talks T5 and Rambo Vs Conan!

As promised, here’s our second interview from the fan-screening of Escape Plan, which occurred three months before the film’s actual release date of October 18th! First, Stallone stepped up to our spot on the red carpet but now we’re ready to share our Schwarzenegger interview. After he signed a few fan’s posters, he turned to face me. I

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