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Entries in encounters (20)


Dan from TAFs Meets the Two Arnolds at Muscle Beach!

I recently had a month long visit to the US and to my surprise my LAST day in LA was going to be an amazing one, when I saw a Facebook Post on MusclePharm’s page that they were “ hosting a one-of-a-kind experience at the famed Muscle Beach in Venice, CA on Friday, Sept. 20 at 2 p.m. PST. The event will celebrate the launch of the much-anticipated Arnold Series of nutritional supplements and the October issue of Muscle & Fitness AND an appearance by None other than Arnold Schwarzenegger in person!”

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Fan Stories Shared from Muscle Beach: An “Arnold Series” of Encounters!

What better location to host an Arnold party than Muscle Beach in Venice, CA, the same beach where The Austrian Oak rose to power among the men who fought like wolves to rule a bodybuilding kingdom of iron..

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Your "Complete Guide" to Arnold's Muscle Beach Appearance!

Good luck sleeping tonight because for many of you, tomorrow will be your first time meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger! To make your Muscle Beach experience all the better, we put together this complete guide for you to follow. What should you bring to the signing? What should you wear and when will you arrive? Read on for some great tips!

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Meet Arnold on Friday & Get Free "Arnold Series" Samples!

Although we heard some rumors, MusclePharm has put out the official announcement! Our favorite multitasking idol has a great week ahead of him, and he wants to celebrate with the fans! On Friday, September 20th at 2 p.m. (that's Pacific time, folks), Arnold will be at Muscle Beach in Venice, part of Los Angeles area..

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Chatting About "Arnie's Life" with Urdl, Gombocz, & Marnul!

Although it greatly depresses the staff of TheArnoldFans for not being able to finance a trip to Schwarzenegger's birthplace, we at least had our friend Christian Haase represent TheArnoldFans for us when he traveled to Thal to meet with several of Arnold's good friends at the Arnie's Life museum.

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The Day I met Arnold, Got My Photo with Him & Talked EX3! 

January 26th is Boxing Day in Australia, a public holiday that the nation has off. On the evening of this Australia Day, there were rumours of The Austrian Oak touring Australia on social media...

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Exclusive: Jeff Dawn Shares Never-Before-Seen Terminator Photos! 

Need more Arnold news? No problemo; we have you covered. Here's a few more news reports from what's happening in the Schwarzenegger universe.

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Edward Furlong's Big Comeback in "Matt's Chance"!

Edward Furlong, star of Terminator 2, looks like he might be getting another chance for success in the new film titled Matt's Chance.

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Predator News: 3D Blu-ray, Websites, Toys & the Fans!

Hot off of our exclusive interview with Billy (Sonny Landham), we thought we’d continue on with more Predator news. We’ve just learned that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Predator will be coming out in 3D later this year! Yeah, we were excited too thinking it was going to be rereleased in the theater, but no, the film is just coming out on Blu-ray 3D for those of you who own a 3D television.

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Monnier's Mission to Meet Arnold & All His Co-stars! 

We were so impressed when French Arnold fan Jerome Monnier sent us such great photos of his daughter, Aimy, with many of the Expendables 2 stars that we had to ask if he had more photos to share with us. It turns out Jerome has been introducing his daughter to the stars for years now and he’s accumulated loads of great photos and video footage. So let’s all thank the Monniers for sharing all these ballsy photos with us.

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