Fan Stories Shared from Muscle Beach: An “Arnold Series” of Encounters!
What better location to host an Arnold party than Muscle Beach in Venice, CA, the same beach where The Austrian Oak rose to power among the men who fought like wolves to rule a bodybuilding kingdom of iron. Although I was gutted that I could not attend MusclePharm’s launch of Schwarzenegger’s “Arnold Series” line of supplements (due to the event coinciding with my wedding anniversary celebration), I was at least able to somewhat live this Muscle Beach adventure through the fantastic updates by the fans and a couple of our LA reporters on site. So if you were not able to attend the celebration of MusclePharm’s Arnold Series and the October release of Muscle & Fitness magazine like myself, then allow me to NOW share these fan stories and our staff’s reports. Get ready for your virtual trip to Muscle Beach. Wear sunblock.
First up, our reporter Jamin Fite from TAFs. He arrived around 12pm on September 20th and watched the MusclePharm booth set up, raise the banners, witnessed the Arnold Series tour bus and packaged-product arrive. Jamin stayed in the trenches taking photos and interviewing the fans.
Jamin writes: It was only fitting that decades later, this would be the point of celebration for Mr. Schwarzenegger's latest and most exciting announcement in the world of fitness: A definitive line of muscle building and health supplements, brought to the domestic market for the first time. Everything in this series has been carefully approved by The Austrian Oak himself, drawing on a lifetime of experience in his pursuit of excellence.
The mood was electric in the crowd, even hours before Arnold arrived. Enthusiasts still train like never before at Muscle Beach, and the crowd was treated to some spectacular shows of strength. Tom Arnold, Schwarzenegger's co-star in the film "True Lies" threw in some warm laughs and made it all the more special. Banners with the silhouette of Schwarzenegger, a magnificent standard, waved in the wind. Finally, the man of the hour arrived, sporting a beard and took to the stage at great fanfare. He surrounded himself with the local bodybuilders as he reminisced to the crowd his early humble days in America and how it was almost like time travel to be back at the same spot.
He continued to elaborate that these new supplements are for everyone, whether you aim to be a champion, or simply look to improve your quality of life. For many, the battle to turn mush into muscle has just begun. And we are happy to have him as our General. There were also some “Escape Plan” movie promos out here like beverage koozies, posters and other Escape Plan items.
I also informed my best friend in Los Angeles, Christopher Heathcoat, and his kids (Ajay and Harmony) about the event. Naturally Chris and his kids (all huge Schwarzenegger fans) came out for maximum Arnold support.
Heathcoat writes: “He’s ripped more than ever with a tan and almost lush beard. Randy, you had to be a RUNNING MAN to get through the maze of wristband only lines. When myself and my two children arrived, although late, as fate/luck would have it, the security put a fence down right in front of myself and my family and DIRECTLY GUIDING AND GUARDING Arnold's tinted-windowed-armored SUV which just pulled up. The Oak exited. My daughter near that SUV noticed an IPAD (probably Arnold's) that had THE EXPENDABLES printed on it near the gear shift. (**Good call Chris, I've seen a picture of Arnold holding that)!
There were fans galore including a hardcore fan from a hardcore metal band with a 'RUNNING MAN' suit on! This guy from "SCHWARZENATOR" was hoping to give Arnocorps a respectful stand-off. Three fine MusclePharm foxes were here too. Good day raise your kids on being part of this huge army known worldwide as The Arnold Fans!
Next, Kimmo, longtime reader here at TAFs writes:
Hi Randy! My short encounter on muscle beach on 9/20/2013. We went to muscle beach on about 11.30 on morning. Just a couple of guys and girls there waiting. Started waiting and sat down eagerly thinking of the Oak. I had waited for this moment whole my life, as I have seen dreams of meeting Arnold for long time. My mind was thrilled of a thought i could finally see him. When the musclepharm presenter talked to us that we are quarantined as i was on line on first 15 people,my mind was relaxed and happy. This is impossible! My time is today! Couple of hours went and i was just thinking of him and talking with my friend that where he would come. Then hw finally arrived and the queue started rolling. My turn came and i gave my Arnold is numero uno shirt to him,and told him i came from Finland. He replied:Good to see you! My friend took picture of that moment.
The arrangements were great. Arnold was looking really good and huge! Biceps were pumped and ready, veins popping out! Gotta love him. He's the man! Thanks Arnold,my dream came true!Thanks to Thearnoldfans and Randy for info and best Arnold info and site! Thanks MusclePharm for this event and thanks to my friend Rami for the picture!
Next we have Matt! Matt gets an exclamation mark next to his name because of his size. Not only is Matt a longtime member of Muscle Beach’s gym, he got to meet Arnold last year and had his picture taken with Arnold for the Los Angeles newspaper. If that wasn’t cool enough, Arnold SIGNED that newspaper image during this MusclePharm / Muscle&Fitness event!
Now, IT IS TIME for Dan’s report. Dan Delts, TheArnoldFans reporter who earlier got the EXCLUSIVE from Arnold that he would in fact be in Expendables 3, got another fantastic opportunity to meet with his idol.
Dan writes: Starting at 2pm, my cousin Andre and I got there about 1pm and the queue was already a MILE long! There were 100s of people waiting for The Governator and he still wasn’t expected to arrive for another hour or two! The sun was shining, bodybuilders were working out in the famous pit and many were looking forward to meeting Arnold, their idol, for the very first time.
I met up with a friend I had met a few nights before at the Generation Iron premiere and managed to find Arnold’s PA (my namesake) in the sea of people hurriedly setting up. Arnold Banners were popping up all over the place, MusclePharm promo guys and girls circled the crowd, the sample/promo tent was buzzing with boxes of tees, wristbands and other knickknacks were being prepared for giveaways when the Messiah arrived.
After a brief introduction by Tom Arnold, who managed to get a lot of laughs out of the crowd in just a few minutes of speaking, he handed the Mic to Arnold who welcomed everyone, thanked everyone for coming and said “regardless of whether you have 21 inch biceps, 22 inch, 23 inch or so on, supplements are essential but they are on a PART of what you need to do”. He made it very clear that he joined MusclePharm because they are a great company that doesn’t make outlandish claims (ahh hmmm Muscletech cough cough) but uses quality ingredients that ASSIST in what you need to put in in the gym. So with a brief welcome and endorsement of the product, Arnold was pointed to the “Signing Spot”.
Finally, let’s hear from my friend Christopher one last time as he has a nice story to share while Arnold was leaving. Luckily for the Heathcoats, just before Arnold left for the day, they’d have a final ballsy encounter.
Heathcoat writes: ALRIGHT! He was going to get into his truck but he came over to us instead. My daughter Harmony is now sittin’ pretty because she got a handshake and autograph. But my son Ajay is bummed because he wasn’t able to get an autograph (didn’t have a pen ready in time) but he did get a heroic handshake and smile. Arnold told my 13yr old as she asked "Please Mr. Schwarzenegger" he winked shook her hand, signed mag "absolutely sweetheart" looked at my son shook his hand "thank you for coming out, how ahhre you?" Harmony got you a shirt, Randy. Myself and the kids thank you so much!
Immediately after the event, @Schwarzenegger tweeted: Had a great time launching the #ArnoldSeries at Muscle Beach. Big thanks to MP @BradPyatt @Flexdeluca & @MusclepharmPres & M+F @shawnperine.
Be sure to follow @MusclePharm on twitter because they tell us that their tour dates will be posted next week! Find out WHEN and WHERE the Arnold bus will be heading your way for free samples, information and fantastic photo opportunities!
Stay tuned for PART 2 with our reporter Dan Delts! TheArnoldFans would like to thank all of you fans for giving us such fantastic reports and photos. Special thanks to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bradd Pyatt, Shawn Perine, Daniel Ketchell, and Dieter Rauter’s beard.

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