Schwarzenegger's Zombie Film, MAGGIE, Starts Filming Today!
Is was a good tip-off when we saw Arnold's movie stand-in and good friend Dieter Rauter at Muscle Beach sharing a similar beard to The Austrian Oak. When Dieter starts to look like Arnold for his movie roles, that was a big sign that filming for Maggie would begin any day. Sure enough, filming started today! Abigail Breslin, playing the title role of the zombie virus-infected daughter to Schwarzenegger, tweeted yesterday that she was ready to begin and later tweeted to one of our TAFs readers that she was "Very" excited to work with Arnold.

Above you can see the first image tweeted by Arnold (we added the title logo). He tweets: Really excited to start shooting Maggie today with our director @henryhobson and my fantastic co-star, @yoabbaabba.
Abigail said on Twitter today that she was having a good first day and added "Oozing is such a gross word, but one you will hear frequently when working with zombies." and then later she tweeted "Had an incredible first day of filming #Maggie today with the awesome @Schwarzenegger and our incredible director @henryhobson. SO EXCITED."
Joining Arnold and Abigail are actors Amy Brassette, Aiden Flowers and Rachel Whitman Groves. If you missed our earlier exclusive interview with Maggie's screenwriter John Scott 3, click HERE! John tells us that Arnold has been a lifelong role model and attributes his own fitness to our heroic idol.

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