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Kick off Conan Week and Win a Conan Atlantean Sword!

Can you believe it’s almost been 40 years since Schwarzenegger’s Conan the Barbarian was released in theaters on May 14. 1982! Starting May 9th, it will be time for our annual “Savage Week of Conan” feature on Instagram, and this year we’re celebrating the 40th anniversary of Conan the Barbarian. Incredible how time flies when you’re pushing the Wheel of Pain!

TheArnoldFans have teamed up with our friends from MartoEspadas to bring you a week of high adventure and if you are knowledgeable about the Cimmerian, then you even might win an officially licensed Atlantean sword for your collection. Last year it was a Father’s Sword, this year it’s the real deal. The Atlantean. Unfortunately, there can be only one (1) winner of the grand prize this year, but pray to Crom .. he listened to fans from Germany, UK, France, and the US last year. This year it could be you.

How to enter
From May 9th - 14th there will be posted a question of the day on @thearnoldfans Instagram account. You can enter the giveaway by answering any of the questions during the Savage Week of Conan. The more correct answers you get, the better your chances of winning become.
1️⃣ Follow @martoespadas and @thearnoldfans on Instagram
2️⃣ Comment with the answer to the question of the day 
3️⃣ Tag a fellow barbarian

To be eligible to enter this giveaway, you will need to be of legal age in your country, and if local law requires a permit to collect and display a 3 ft sword, then we suggest you get that as soon as possible - just in case you win. Finally, while this giveaway is open to Conan and Arnold Fans around the world, the winner will have to cover the actual shipping cost to your destination. The giveaway will end on May 15th 8PM GMT. The winning entry will be chosen by and the winner contacted by DM on or before May 18th. If the winner has not responded within 24 hours, the prize will go to another lucky fan. 


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