Exclusive: Talking RoboCop & Conan with Verhoeven!
As we all know, Paul Verhoeven has created some top-notch action films so why would Hollywood remake masterpieces? Look what happened to the atrocious Total Recall remake. After the bastardization of Total Recall 2012, is Paul in favor of the RoboCop remake? After I spoke with him about his possible involvement to direct The Legend of Conan, we talked RoboCop.
TheArnoldFans: So Arnold was never considered to play RoboCop in the original film?
Paul Verhoeven: "No, he was. He was invited to play RoboCop. Because this was right after he played the Terminator. I studied Terminator before I did RoboCop. I looked at that movie many, many times to see what Cameron had done and how he had done it. We considered Arnold in the beginning, based on Terminator, but when we realized how bulky the Robo-suit already was, we felt that with Arnold it would really become too large. Instead we started looking for a slim, not too tall actor (with a powerful jawline). We chose Peter Weller."
TheArnoldFans: Did you consider other actors after Arnold, before it went to Weller?
Paul Verhoeven: "Yes, we considered Michael Ironside, but that didn't work out. I, however, succeeded in working with Michael in Total Recall and Starship Troopers, which was a delight!"
TheArnoldFans: The Total Recall remake was awful. Do you think the new RoboCop will be just as bad?
Paul Verhoeven: "I saw a part of the script of the new RoboCop and it seems to me they don’t want any humor in these movies anymore. It’s very strange. I think you need to look at some of these with a wink-wink and you should not take it completely serious because then it can become a little bit boring, I think. So I hope the new RoboCop is good but I have the feeling it’s not the case either (like the new Total Recall). But perhaps they’ve changed it and it was an old script that I saw? Sometimes you need to not take things so serious. Look at the biggest and most important innovation science fiction movie, which is Star Wars. That opened the road to many other movies. And I think Star Wars was funny and it was light. It was suspenseful but also lite. When we did Total Recall, we were certainly aware of Star Wars. I hope the people behind RoboCop do not take themselves too seriously."
Let’s hope the new RoboCop is good but so far, by the looks of the trailer, I’m not impressed. The next time we watch Verhoeven’s version, try to imagine Schwarzenegger in the role. “Youah mhoove, creep,” would have sounded pretty good in an Austrian accent.
"I’m a big fan in fact of Conan. That’s a great movie," Verhoeven tells me in regards to discussing the possibility of directing The Legend of Conan with Schwarzenegger. “If they asked me, I’d certainly love to. The score of Conan is great. The style of editing that Milius used was very beautiful, and Arnold does a great job. He was really the perfect choice.”
So what's the very latest on the barbarian? Well, I was just told that Andrea Berloff, the writer of The Legend of Conan is very excited with her script and that she and other Conan producers attended Arnold Schwarzenegger's holiday party just a few weeks ago. So Conan is not strapped up on a Tree of Woe. He is hopefully heading our way soon. Camels beware! The only obstacle in our way now is the dreaded Twins 2 script in progress. Rumor has it that it's a neck-and-neck tie to the finish line for the Conan and Twins scripts. To HELL with you, Twins! You'll be the one thing that can make Conan CRY! Hell, men everywhere will be in tears if that one comes first. Crom, if you do not listen, then to hell with you! FIRST CONAN!!!! THEN Twins 2! Rise up Arnold fans, let Conan himself @Schwarzenegger and @UniversalPics know on twitter that we will NOT stand for Twins to come before the return of the one true king. All hail King Conan!
Finally, as we were wrapping up our chat, Paul Verhoeven unexpectedly picked up my book and promoted the new Arnold Schwarzenegger fan book: Arnold's Army! Watch his testimonial below! Hardcopies of Arnold's Army is now sold out but you can purchase the epub or pdf versions of the 186-page book by contacting me at randyTAFs@yahoo.com. Now where's Conan?

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