Escape Plan Passes $100 Million & MIGHT Still Play in Australia!
Congratulations are in order to Arnold and Sly as Escape Plan has officially passed the 100 million mark. Over the weekend, the film was pumped to over 103 million at the box office and has already doubled the worldwide earnings for The Last Stand. Escape Plan, declared as a fan hit, has also passed the worldwide earnings of Collateral Damage and The 6th Day! Considering Escape Plan is doing well, where do we stand with a possible release in Australia? We last reported that the film might not go to the Oz cinemas but now we learn there is no fate but what the fans make!
Dan Delts, our Australian reporter writes: "Word from Hopscotch Distribution Australia is that "Management have seen the facebook flood, seen the article on all the major movie websites AND understand that fans want this in theaters...While management are "contemplating" a limited theatre release, while they wait on overseas word on the earliest they can "release Escape Plan to itunes and DTV"...they have advised.... Call your movie houses and head offices of movie houses to let them know of the demand!
If Aussies want Escape Plan in theatres the cinema chains, Hoyts, Village etc need to know about it...So give them a call and say, you want it, that your family want it AND your friends WANT TO SEE Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone on the big screen in Escape Plan! Hoyts head office number is Sydney (02) 8071 6100 and Village Cinemas head office number is Melbourne (03) 9281 1000 Remember - DONT BE RUDE, IT WONT GET US ANYWHERE!"

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