Arnold Talks Conan at Q&A in Austin "Last Stand" Screening!
Let The Last Stand premieres begin! While we are on the road to L.A., last night, Schwarzenegger and Knoxville were in Austin, Texas for one of the first screenings of The Last Stand, a week before its general release. They did a Q&A moderated by Harry Knowles afterwards, and some VERY juicy information on the new Conan movie came out of it! Arnold expressed his frustration in trying to get the studios to take a new Conan seriously for the past 10 years, but now Universal is finally listening and will do it up with an A-list director and writer.
Even better, they are eager to get it made, and it could start filming THIS YEAR, possibly in Peter Jackson's New Zealand studios! This is music to our ears that a new Arnold Conan is finally on the near horizon. While no names were named, let the speculation begin on the director and writer that might be chosen! Verhoven? Tarantino? Jackson? Let's hope it's someone Crom smiles upon! See the video of the Conan question below, and read the article HERE. Then, watch the full 40 min. Q&A, where Arnold mentions Triplets and the next Terminator HERE.

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