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Entries in Randy Jennings (212)


Exclusive: The Villains Make a "Stand" on the Carpet & After-Party!

Get ready for the bad guys of The Last Stand! The villains are now walking down the red carpet and are stopping off one at a time to speak with TheArnoldFans. I hope we don't piss them off. Not only did we speak with the lead villain, Gabriel Cortez, played by Edward Noriega, we also chatted with "the man in the orange suit" played by Billy Blair and the very psychotic Burrell, played by one very awesome Peter Stormare.

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TAFs Interviews TLS's Jaimie Alexander and Daniel Henney!

Earlier we brought you red carpet interviews with The Last Stand's director Kim Jee-Woon and the sheriff played by Arnold "The Oak" Schwarzenegger. Now walking down the carpet, in Mr. Freeze approving temperatures, are two other heroes: Jaimie Alexander (Sarah Torrance) and Daniel Henney (FBI Agent Phil Hayes).

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Exclusive: Arnold, Co-stars and Verhoeven Talk Conan with Us!

Bad news: Schwarzenegger will NOT be starring in the new Conan movie! Well, that’s at least what I’ve been telling myself so I wouldn’t be devastated if the project didn’t work out sometime down the line. Sure, The Legend of Conan is still a GO with Universal Pictures, but you have to understand where I’m coming from. Very few of you know my history, so let me share with you my coming-of-age story. At the age of 11, I snuck into my first rated-R movie and arrived about a minute into the start of the film. Basil Poledouris’ epic score was blaring as the Cimmerian village was being raided.

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TheArnoldFans Film Review for "The Last Stand"!

This is it Arnold Fans… our long wait is finally over. Our favorite action hero is BACK! But after being out of the spotlight in a leading role for over a decade, (as fun as Expendables 2 was, it doesn't count) is Arnold really returning to the silver screen with the same flair for action and entertainment that he used to? Read on to find out!

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TAFs on the Red Carpet with The Last Stand Stars!

On Monday night, January 14th, TheArnoldFans staff was invited to the Los Angeles star-studded premiere of The Last Stand! Myself and the rest of our crew, Brandon Krum and our substitute photographer Viktoriya Dov, were feeling the pump on the carpet.

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Come Party with Us in LA as We Say Good Bye to T2:3D!

If you thought I was a mess when Universal Studios Hollywood cancelled the Conan Stunt Show, you can imagine i'm even more devastated to hear that Terminator 2: 3D will be forever closing their Cyberdyne doors this month. The Conan attraction, complete with the film score by Basil Poledouris, was only loosely based on the films but T2:3D was an actual Arnold Schwarzenegger project.

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11 Month Early Review of Arnold & Sly's "The Tomb"!

Ten years ago, I was introduced to Arnold fan Chris. From the beginning we hit it off as we both discussed our favorite action heroes over dinner at the original Bob's Bigboy Restaurant. Since then we've kept in touch and we've have several Los Angeles meet-ups (including watching The Expendables Hollywood premieres together), he's had TAFs friends and staff crash at his house and he let me read and review his film script titled RIVALS, an action comedy which was written for Arnold and Sly.

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TAFs Interviews Peter Kent: The Man Behind the T-800 Mask!

Although Arnold Schwarzenegger does many of his own stunts, he's not crazy enough to do a bike jump down into a concrete canal only to speed past a T-1000-driven truck. Arnold is certainly ballsy and may want to attempt some of these wild stunts but the studio executives won't risk their lead action hero get injured.

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TAFs Got to "Hangout" with Arnold & Talk Movies!

On Friday afternoon, the author of "Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story" told TheArnoldFans about his new haircut, his busy movie schedule, getting old with Stallone and talked more about his next film, "The Breacher"!

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"Arnold's Army" Released Worldwide Today + Prizes & King Conan!

Let's Party! Today's the day of the official worldwide release date of "Arnold’s Army: A Schwarzenegger Uprising"! Although we did tip off readers of this website of an exclusive early sale, NOW is the time when others will be rewarded to the exclusive news within the book! Earlier the book was only promoted as the ultimate book about the fan base behind our hero. What you may not have been aware of earlier, and we'll share the news now, is that Arnold’s Army also reveals glorious exclusive movie news (King Conan), fantastic cartoon news ("The Governator"), and many never-published interviews and exclusive comments with Arnold, his closest friends, family members, co-stars, stuntmen, bodyguards, neighbors and his directors like Milius, Butler and Verhoeven!

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