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Entries in sabotage (18)


Own SABOTAGE on Digital HD and Blu-ray in July!

Good news- the time for seeing the fantastic action-thriller SABOTAGE at home is almost here! And YES, there will be deleted scenes AND alternate endings like we had reported about before! We can't wait to take another look at this gritty raw flick with all its amazing cast. Here's the press release with all the details!

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200 Lucky Australians Got to see Sabotage in Theaters!

Arnold fans around the world were excited to hear after extended cameos in Expendables 2, brushing off the dust with The Last Stand and a more comedic involvement with Stallone in Escape Plan…that The KING was BACK in shape and ready to kick ass in an R-Rated action fest from the writers of Training Day.

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TAFs Interviews SABOTAGE's Olivia Williams & Bill Block!

While "Sabotage" might be chasing away general audiences domestically due to extreme violence or critics with low-foreheads, the film has yet to hit many international territories for release. If you haven't already seen this fantastic film, get ready for big action and a terrific cast. There aren't too many females in Sabotage but the ones who are in it, are some of the better characters (next to Arnold, of course)!

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The Future of Arnold: End of Days or Glory Days?

In the '80s and '90s, the name SCHWARZENEGGER was all it took to bring in an audience so let's think about what went wrong and if Arnold still has a chance at a prosperous future in films.

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TheArnoldFans' Review of SABOTAGE!

Man, it's great to be in a time again when there are multiple Arnold movies coming out in theaters each year! It feels like the 90s again, with Arnold showing up on talk shows and entertainment media constantly to promote the next film. Even though The Last Stand and Escape Plan have not been blockbusters box-office wise, you can't say that Arnold is not taking risks and pushing himself with the films he's making.

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Is Sabotage's David Ayer & Arnold Open to Commando 2?

On the red carpet for the Sabotage premiere, I spoke with the director, David Ayer, who not only tells TheArnoldFans that the film was originally 3 hours long, he also tells us that he has a Commando script for Arnold!

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Let SABOTAGE Week Begin! 

Arnold and Joe Manganiello have been all over the place in full promotional force for Sabotage! To kick off the final countdown to Friday, on Sunday night Arnold Schwarzenegger and Joe Manganiello gave the NYPD a very special screening of Sabotage! These two mega-stars shook hands and took some memorable photos with these brave men and women.

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TAFs to Award an Arnold Prize Package for Best SABOTAGE Trailer!

In celebration of an amazing new Schwarzenegger movie coming out on Friday, we thought we'd have some fun by making our own pumped-up trailer. Hmmm, maybe we should ALL spread awareness of this new Arnold movie by creating more fan-made trailers? Let's do it! In fact, we'll pick the best Sabotage trailer and award a cool prize package!

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Exclusive: Schwarzenegger on Expendables 3 & Sabotage!

On Wednesday, March 19th, the stars of SABOTAGE all stepped up to our mic one-by-one while TheArnoldFans covered the red carpet premiere at the Regal Cinemas LA Live. Soon we'll bring you our action-packed exclusive interviews with director David Ayer and film stars Joe Manganiello, Olivia Williams and many other ass-kickers.

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Sabotage Australian Advanced Exclusive Screening & Red Band trailer #2!

On MARCH 28th, see how far Arnold Schwarzenegger will go to protect his family and his team in Open Road's action thriller, SABOTAGE! In the latest red band trailer we catch a glimpse of the family man behind this cut-throat DEA task force leader. When his wife is taken, and his team is being eliminated, Schwarzenegger must get to the bottom of this mystery before it's too late.

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