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Entries in interviews-friends (3)


TAFs Interviews Stunt Man Douglas Farrell!

Arnold Fans, are you a fan of the original Star Wars or Mandalorian? Radio News interviewed a special guest Douglas Farrell, not Douglas Quaid (Total Recall Reference). Douglas has been seen with Arnold Schwarzenegger pumping up promoting the famous “Come With Me If You Want To Lift” t-shirt

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Bringing Down the Hammer with Sven-Ole Thorsen

As the movie streaming services have grown bigger and bigger these days, many small cinemas have been forced to close down due to cost. Yet Hadsten Bio, with just 1 screen and about 100 seats, is still going strong.

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Exclusive Interview with Peter Urdl: Tour "Arnie's Life"!

Quick, plan a trip to Thal, Austria because Schwarzenegger's childhood home, which is now the walk-through museum called ARNIE'S LIFE, is celebrating The Austrian Oak's 65th birthday with the fans! A big birthday party for all of Arnold's followers will be celebrated at the museum on July 28th, 29th and 30th.

Peter Urdl, Arnold's friend and museum manager/director of Arnie's Life gave an exclusive interview and shares some great photos. Who else would be the perfect director of this Schwarzenegger museum than Peter Urdl, who was a school friend of Mr. Schwarzenegger and the major of Thal for nearly 20 years.

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