Schwarzenegger is 100% Certain that Triplets Will Get Made!
It was a fantastic evening with Arnold in Birmingham on September 19th as he spoke about his life-long successes and passed along a heavy dose of life-time motivation to his fans. Schwarzenegger brought along many items that he signed to be auctioned off for his favorite charity: After-School All-Stars. TheArnoldFans had one of our reporters here to bring you the latest on Arnold’s upcoming film projects and our favorite action hero let us know the latest on Twins 2 and Kung Fury.
"Reitman is absolutely convinced that Twins 2 is going to happen,” Schwarzenegger begins. "We will do Triplets with Eddie Murphy. Danny Devito is very excited about it. Eddie Murphy is very excited about it. It will take a little bit more time to perfect the script. We have three different versions of the scripts and I think it’s almost there. It’s not there yet, but I’m one hundred percent sure that it will happen."
The last time Arnold spoke of Triplets, he let us know how they come to meet their other brother.
"The idea was to have Danny Devito, myself with Eddie Murphy, be all of a sudden, the other twin - the triplet that we find. It comes out that after our mother dies, the will gets read out loud and it says you get this, and you get this and your OTHER brother gets this. And we are like, 'what, what other brother?' And then we discover that there is something off here. Then we find out about the experiment that was made and there was some black person involved.”

Schwarzenegger also spoke of the cool role he’s giving in Kung Fury: The Movie. In Berlin, Arnold told us that he’s already been filming Kung Fury for four days. Arnold will play the President of the united States of America and he sports a battle scar on his forehead. Kung Fury deals with time travel and we hear Arnold is rumored to possibly also play a Viking king in the past. We hear Arnold is filming for eight to ten days total.
On Twitter, Arnold wrote: “I met David (director and star of Kung Fury) more than 4 years ago, when he showed me his short “Kung Fury” & I laughed my ass off & told him if he ever made it a feature, I was in. Now we are having a great time together shooting the feature. His vision & persistence inspires me. I hope it inspires all of you."

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