Exclusive Contest: We have 5 "Killing Gunther" Posters to Give Out!
While the limited theatrical release is happening on October 20th, you can watch the all new Arnold movie "Killing Gunter" on Ultra VOD right NOW! If you have cable in your home, chances are you’ll be able to order this action comedy film, starring Taran Killam and Arnold Schwarzenegger. We know you’ve seen the badass poster and thanks to Saban Films, they are giving us 5 posters to award 5 lucky fans!
RULES: Just take a picture of you watching "Killing Gunter" in your home or in theaters and post it to our FaceBook page at THIS LINK by October 31st!
Post an image of you watching the movie in your home or holding the movie ticket stub to our Facebook page. You'll love to see Arnold Schwarzenegger in the third act of this film! The last 25 minutes of Arnold is well worth the wait! BE SURE to stay throughout all the credits for a great bonus or two!

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