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The ARNOLD Weekly News Pump: More Millions Raised, More Shirts & Less Meat!

Considering Arnold has promoted the hell out of his "Come With Me If You Want To Lift" T-shirt campaign and he's given us plenty of opportunities to join his fitness movement, we sure hope YOU were one of the fantastic fans to have purchased one of these 82,505 T-shirts, hats and hoodies sold! Not only will you be joining Schwarzenegger's movement to get fit and to show your fandom, you've also helped raise big money to After-schoo, programs! A portion of proceeds from every shirt sold benefited After-School All-Stars."

"It starts with the T-shirt but it's much more than that. It's going to be a movement."

In addition to the thousands of dollars Arnold helped raise from the "Come With Me If You Want To Lift" shirts, Schwarzenegger helped raise $1,153,000 at a recent charity event at his home with the help of his non-profit organization After-School All-Stars and Westime. All the money raised will go to support after-school programs for underserved youth. This marks the fourth year that Schwarzenegger has hosted the event, and is its most successful year yet!

But Arnold isn't all about the gains right now. He's actually trying to lose something. The beefy bodybuilding barbarian wants to eat less meat! But Arnold is not going to be a vegetarian, nor will he be hitting like one, he just wants to join a movement to eat less meat to feel better and to help reduce the world's environmental degradation.

Chinese health officials are urging the nation's 1.3 billion citizens to cut their meat consumption in half to prevent heart disease, diabetes and other diet-related illnesses. Director James Cameron and movie star/former governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger think that's a great idea, and are starring in a series of PSAs to spread the word in the U.S.

Schwarzenegger wants to help persuade the people of China to pay attention. "I'm slowly getting off meat," Schwarzenegger says in this video created by the advocacy group WildAid. "And ... I feel fantastic."
Watch below to see Schwarzenegger joined in a video by Terminator's James Cameron, who makes the link between meat-eating habits and climate change. "How can I call myself an environmentalist when I'm contributing to environmental degradation by what I eat?" Cameron, a longtime advocate of veganism, asks in the video, as the two make the case to reduce meat consumption.

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