The Winner of the 16th Annual Arnold Halloween Contest!
Thanks everyone for sending us your submissions for our 16th annual costume contest but there could only be one lucky Arnold fan to take home all the loot! Congratulations to Leena "Ravenlordess” Muurikainen as Thulsa Doom! The Terminator is always the number one Halloween costume entered in our contest but this year it was the barbarian submissions who really stole the show. There are a couple of fantastic Conan outfits here but this time, the villain wins! All hail Tulsa Doom!
Leena wrote to TheArnoldFans:
"Thulsa Doom is a fascinating antagonist. Upon seeing him again when watching Conan the Barbarian in 2014 I was struck by a strong need to create this costume, both because of the character and as a tribute to Arnold’s movies. I crafted the costume over 6 months, however that time period also included long breaks from crafting. The most difficult thing was getting and making sense of reference pictures – there’s many parts in the outfit that you can’t really see or only get a very rough idea of in the movie. For that reason some parts such as the boots had to be improvised. The armor was built out of the thermoplastic material Worbla and painted with acrylic paints. There’s also several types of leather, faux fur and faux suede in the costume. Many areas were stitched by hand to make the costume look more authentic. The most tedious part to craft were the pants and the shirt: despite countless hours of searching, I was unable to find remotely suitable fabrics and ended up drawing the scales one by one with fabric markers."

Thanks to our great sponsors, the winner will receive all of these fantastic prizes below!
From Diamond Select Toys, the winner will receive A set of 4-inch vinyl Dutch and Predator Vinimates figures! Sculpted in the style of a Minimates block figure, these Vinimates of Dutch and the Predator each strike a pose straight out of the film, with ball-jointed necks to further customize your display. Each comes packaged in a full-color window box.For more information and products from Diamond Select Toys, check out their website HERE!

From Chronicle Collectibles, the winner will receive a Terminator Genisys 1:2 scale vinyl Endoskull and a CPU Brain Chip key chain! Chronicle Collectibles does amazing high-end products of your favorite Schwarzenegger films including Conan on this throne and Terminator busts with light up eyes! For more information and products from Chronicle Collectibles, check out their website HERE!

From NECA, the winner will receive a surprise mystery figure! Keep in mind, NECA has produced many of the greatest Schwarzenegger action figures such as Conan, Matrix, Dutch and an army of Terminators in perfect Schwarzenegger likeness. For more information and products from NECA, check out their website HERE!

From Stardust Silver, the winner will receive a 1 oz SILVER collectible Terminator coin! This Reverse Proof round depicts the iconic character through a fantastically executed high-relief design. Contains 1 oz of .999 fine Silver. Comes in capsule with included certificate of authenticity and Terminator-themed box. Order a coin HERE!

From MegaBloks, the winner will receive a Terminator Genisys Endoskeleton Kubros and a Terminator Spider Tank set! The T-800 Endoskeleton have roughly 150 individual pieces and are lots of fun to assemble by yourself or with your young ones. Look for Kubros available for sale at all major retailers like Amazon, Toys R US, Walmart and Target. For more information and products from MegaBloks Collectors, check out their website HERE!

From, the winner will also get a few mystery items from our box of Arnold treasures! We can't wait to party with you all this year at and on our social media pages! See the past costumed fans from our previous online parties by clicking HERE!
Thank you again for everyone who participated in the contest and the online Halloween celebrations right here at!
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