The T-800 Makes a Surprise Visit to Hollywood! Exclusive Details & Photos!
Amongst the other Terminator excitement we've seen lately, Arnold did something that could go down as one of his coolest things ever. If you were a tourist in Hollwood near the Walk of Fame and Mann's Chinese Theater last week, you probably noticed a couple guys dressed up in convincing Terminator outfits, and maybe thought nothing of it at first. This is Hollywood, and impersonators are around there all the time after all. But upon closer inspection, you then notice that one of those Terminators is REALLLY convincing, and a crowd is gathering. Well, guess what? That is actually Arnold Schwarzenegger in full Terminator mode-- leather, shades, wounds showing endo-skull, and trademark line delivery!
Arnold posted some pics of this on Instagram, explaining it as follows:
While Randy Jennings from TheArnoldFans was watching all of this Terminator Hollywood takeover unfold on Arnold’s twitter account, he noticed a very familiar face. Arnold retweeted a video by the TCL Chinese Theaters showing two Terminators exchanging some words. One of those T-800s was Arnold and the other was non other than our friend, Lyndall Grant! Lyndall has been a long-time professional Arnold impersonator and follower of In fact, Lyndall was nice enough to get Jennings into Governor Arnold's comedy roast in 2010 when Randy was given a fantastic evening (photo with Arnold and signed a Terminator movie poster), all thanks to Lyndall!
Jennings immediately called Grant to hear all about his time with Arnold and to understand more about this Hollywood Terminator project to benefit the After School All Stars.
Grant! Lyndall: “They filmed this video where we are both Terminators and we come up and have some dialogue. The scene is... I’m supposed to be over at Grauman’s (Chinese Theater) with all of the other look-a-likes. We started out where I’m taking pictures with some girls but then Arnold walks up and he’s like, "Who are you?" I say, 'I’m the Terminator, who are you?' He goes on with the full introduction saying like, "I’m the original T-800, Cyberdyne systems model 101" or whatever it was and he’d improve a bit and we’d go back and forth a little. He said, "You’re not the Terminator." I’d say like, 'So what dude, my costume looks better than yours.' He said to me, "I’ll be back.” Then I said something like, 'Don’t make me go there.' Then things were getting really tense because Arnold was getting closer in my face and not going to back down. He said again closer now (more intimidating), “I’ll be back.” I was practically shaking in my boots at this point. I knew I needed to yield. I mean, he’s like the real Terminator and i’m just some idiot standing in the street. So then he turns around and and heads to the girls and he has like three girls in each arm and said, "I told you, I’d be back.”
Lyndall told me Arnold gave him several complements on his impersonator look and they even hung out and chatted in the green room for a little while talking about Grant’s kids, Navy weaponry and the possibility of bringing dance into The Arnold Classic. While Lyndall temporarily hurt his foot, he’ll be back in no time, dancing with the West Coast Swing dance group. It’s not just bodybuilding at the Arnold Sports Festival. Terminators can dance too.
"Arnold was really enjoying himself. people were flooding to him and he was great. He’s the real McCoy,” says Lyndall.
We learned our impersonator friend even said hi to Arnold from Randy, who had no idea Lyndall was even involved in such a cool video!
I asked Arnold, Is it okay if I say hello to from Randy Jennings of TheArnoldFans? He said, "Oh yeah, Randy. Sure, tell him hello.” He knows who you are.
Look for Lyndall next to costar with Robert Patrick in "Hollywood Adventures” (new Justin Lin produced film). According to Grant, Justin told Robert and Lyndall that he’s a huge Arnold fan and as some of you may know, he was at one time attached to direct Terminator 5. We’ll share more info about this film soon. For now, here are some exclusive photos from the set with Robert Patrick BACK as the T-1000!
Check out an interview we did with Lyndall in 2008 by clicking HERE! If you want to connect with Lyndall and book him for a Terminator gig or just follow him on Facebook, click HERE! We look forward to seeing the video filmed from this outing to promote Arnold's Omaze contest for the After-School All-Stars!

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