Get Ready to "Experience Arnold" in Columbus!
We've got some great news for fans making the trip to Columbus for the Arnold Sports Festival/Arnold Classic weekend, which is only in 2 weeks! You can have the chance to "Experience Arnold" during an evening of Austrian food, cigars, and best of all, rubbing elbows with Arnold himself! This exclusive event is a fundraiser for the After-School All-Stars of Ohio, and promises to be an incredible night. It will take place from 5pm-9pm Friday March 6 at Dock 580, not far from the convention center where most of the festival's events take place. Arnold will be there, not roped off but mingling with the attendees, and each ticket-holder will get their own photo with Arnold! In addition, Arnold's good friend and True Lies costar Tom Arnold will be there, as well as MusclePharm Co-Founder Cory Gregory, and 6-time World Champion and UFC Hall of Famer Randy Couture. **UPDATE** We have learned that unfortunately Tom Arnold will NOT be able to make it, but Evander Holyfield, Triple H, and others will be in attendance.
This event will be unforgettable, similar to the events he has done in Leeds and London recently, and it benefits one of Arnold's favorite causes. Tracy Ensign, one of the event's coordinators told us, "The event promises to be a very fun, relaxed, intimate evening with food, spirits, cigars and entertainment. We are having authentic Austrian dishes and desserts and an Austrian bier garten!"
The only catch- tickets are $1000 each, $750 if purchased in pairs. So while it may be a bit steep for many fans, this is how they can keep it a more exclusive and memorable evening for those who come, as they want to keep the total number of people under 125. Heck, there are many celebs that charge hundreds to thousands to just get a 5 second photo-op at conventions, and that just goes straight to their bank accounts. At Experience Arnold, you get a full 4 hours in close proximity to Arnold and the others, as well as amazing food, stogies, drinks, and whatever else they've got cooked up, and 100% goes to After-School All-Stars! What a deal! If you're interested, get your tickets soon, right HERE! If you can't afford to go, you can still stop by the After-School All-Stars booth at the expo, where they will be selling great Arnold memoribilia as always.

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