Win a Terminator Genisys Blu-Ray Combo Pack!
I know you all have your calendars marked for the U.S. Blu-ray release of Terminator Genisys on November 10th, but we have a few extra copies of the Blu-Ray Combo Pack to give away! So maybe you should still buy the Blu-ray on the 10th to support and boost our chances for a T6 and then if you win one from us, you can give it to someone for Christmas! Paramount Pictures gave us 3 copies of the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie to give out to the fans! As a bonus, the grand prize winner will ALSO get a Terminator Genisys hat and T-shirt!
Just answer the following 2 questions correctly and email them to us HERE with subject " Terminator Genisys Blu-Ray contest". Inlcude your name and shipping address (sorry, U.S. winners only). The contest runs now through Dec. 1st.
Q1: Who played the young 1984 Arnold BODY in Terminator Genisys? (hint)
Q2: How much money did Terminator Genisys make worldwide? (hint)
The Terminator Genisys Blu-ray includes nearly an hour of bonus content, featuring behind-the-scenes interviews with the cast and filmmakers, including the director of the first two films, James Cameron. Plus, take an in-depth look at the stunning visual effects and jaw-dropping action sequences, the recreation of iconic scenes from the original film, and more.
Terminator Genisys contains three featurettes. A DVD copy of the film and a voucher for a UV/iTunes digital copy are included with purchase. Featurettes are as followed:
• Family Dynamics (1080p, 15:51): Cast and crew discuss the franchise, the international cast, characters, and the qualities the performers brought to their roles.
• Infiltration and Termination (1080p, 25:29): A detailed look at shooting in New Orleans and San Francisco, including New Orleans standing in for 1980s Los Angeles, shooting the future war sequences, set construction, crafting some of the film's key moments in its most important sets, some more details on performances, and more.
• Upgrades: VFX of Terminator: Genisys (1080p, 15:07): As the title suggests, this piece looks at the detailed process of crafting some of the film's most challenging visuals, including the future war, digitally creating a young Arnold, T-1000 effects, and some of the new surprises the movie has on tap.
In the war of man against machine, Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) is sent back to 1984 by resistance leader John Connor (Jason Clarke) to protect his young mother, Sarah Connor (Emilia Clarke). However, this time unexpected events have altered the past and threaten the future for all mankind. Now Reese must join forces with Sarah and her “Guardian” (Arnold Schwarzenegger) to save the world and stop the next evolution of Terminators.

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