Exclusive: Josh Gad tells us His "TWINS 2" Script is Loved Yet Frozen!
TheArnoldFans: How's your script coming along for "Twins 2: Triplets" (Arnold and Devito)?
Josh Gad: "Uh, you know... the script is actually done. Everybody agrees that it's great. We wound up doing 2 drafts. Universal, I think, hit the pause button temporarily for whatever reason - internally I think they are trying to figure out if they want to do a sequel or not. I would say if there's an outpouring of affection, that may move the needle, but I think it's on hold right now. But everybody read the script and loved it, so I hope it sees the light of day at some point. It's there and in great shape."

Speaking on behalf of Arnold's fanclub and biggest Schwarzenegger community, I can tell you that the reason fans are not in full support of Twins 2 is that they will not stand for ANY film having the audacity to come before The Legend of Conan! If a lesser-anticipated film like Twins was made before Conan and flopped, it could very likely kill all chances of Conan being made. NO Arnold film is more anticipated than Conan but if Twins comes AFTER Conan, this will be fully acceptable. However, the fans say there is ONE movie only that would be allowed to come before Conan: DC's Suicide Squad! Many top entertainment websites are fully behind Schwarzenegger playing Deathstroke The Terminator in David Ayer's 2016 release of Suicide Squad. Not only would Arnold look like a badass as one of his top 3 most iconic looking characters EVER, the film is destined to be #1 at the box office! Twins 2 is a bit of a gamble but Suicide Squad would put Arnold on top again.

TheArnoldFans: How has the lives changed for the Twins brothers (Julius & Vincent) 20 something years later?
Josh Gad: "Well, the lives have changed in that the two of them find themselves at a major crossroads where they've sort of grown apart over the years and what winds up bringing them together is a 3rd brother they never knew they had who could potentially be played by Eddie Murphy."
Josh Gad: "The answer to that is: most likely not, just because I wrote the film as a fan of the original movie TWINS. It was never written for me to be in it. Having said that, there is currently a role in the movie where Arnold has a son that looks like Danny, and Danny has a son that looks like Arnold. That could be fun, but as of right now, I have no intention of being a part of it."
Josh Gad: "I'm a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE Star Wars fan. I'm waiting for my daughter to get a little older, because i want to revisit the originals with her. I"m beyond impressed with what Disney has already done with Star Wars, and I continue to be impressed with all the rumors that I'm hearing of what they want to do with the Star Wars property. Star Tours has always been one of my favorite rides - from the original, I love the new one even MORE, and I absolutely cannot wait - like the rest of the universe - for what J.J. Abrams has in store for us."

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