Exclusive: Terry Crews Talks T4 ("EPIC FAIL"), T5 & Expendables 3 & 4!
TheArnoldFans: Terry, your buddy Schwarzenegger (sharing your birthday) has a new Terminator movie coming out. Will you be there on July 1st (2015) to see Arnold kick some ass?
Terry Crews: Well, you know, I will be there.

TheArnoldFans: I know you're an Arnold fan but are you a big Terminator fan too?
Terry Crews: I was murdered in one of the TERMINATOR movies, haha! In the Christian Bale / McG version of TERMINATOR. I actually had a role in that movie. But it got cut out, and I was a dead body. So I actually am a part OF the Franchise! It was the fourth TERMINATOR! If you go to the beginning - I"m a dead body lying on a pile of dirt! And you can see my face - it's Terry Crews, dead! Hahaha! That's what you call an EPIC FAIL!

TheArnoldFans: Terry, EX3 made over 200 million worldwide. That's pretty good but could have done better if it wasn't leaked. What would Terry Crews do to the culprit who leaked the movie if you and the pirate got in a ring?
TheArnoldFans: Can you name 3 actors you'd like to see play the villain in Expendables 4?Terry Crews: WOW. Um... the first thing I would do... is...I would take those guys, whoever leaked the Expendables 3, I would make them sit down in front of their mom, okay? And basically let their mom give them a stern-talking-to about stealing, and what it makes you. The thing is, what these people don't know, is that everyone, all the stars, are gonna be fine - don't cry for me, Terry Crews is gonna be great. Really! But what are you saying about yourself if you have a lifestyle of thievery? Slowly but surely, a little bit of your soul gets chipped away, and you wonder why you never get anywhere in life. I mean, Karma is a bitch, just to be frank. You really have to look at the little small decision that make a big, big part of your life. EVERYTHING counts. If you hand out a $1 to a person on the street who needs one, or if you steal $1 from a tip jar - they might not notice it, but what does that make you? I'd make them stand in front of their mother, or father, and let their parents deal with 'em!
Terry Crews: Justin Bieber is a villain. He's gotta be. I want him to be a bad,bad,bad boy. I've been trying to get Justin in one of these for the longest time. My NEXT deal would be Jackie Chan - he's gotta be BAD though. He's always been the nice guy, he's always been sweet, but he's gotta be VICIOUS, relentless- YES! And the next villain I wanna see in the Expendables franchise is my man Dwayne Johnson. You know what? I wanna see a Battle Royale, Caesar versus Dwayne, in a blow-to-blow fiesta of carnage!
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