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Just 1 More Day to Enter to Win a Tank Ride with Arnold!

Go, get to the tank! There is only ONE day left (today, March 14) to give to the Omaze After-School All-Stars campaign where the prize includes being flown to Los Angeles to ride in Arnold's tank! Do you want a taste of what it's like to ride in a tank with Arnold, or do you want to imagine the stress relief and absolute power of just crushing the crap out of whatever is in your path? Watch a video HERE which is the director's cut of Arnold rolling over fun and imaginative objects of all shapes and sizes!

You also have a second chance to give back to charity and meet Arnold by entering the Epic Mealtime campaign HERE! The proceeds go to the same organization and minus the tank ride, the prize still includes meeting Arnold and appearing on a very popular YouTube channel! 

Now watch this Arnold commercial to get you pumped-up to win the contest and help benefit the After-School All-Stars! DO IT NOW

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