TAFs to Cover Arnold's Financial Education Summit in Australia!
Starting Wednesday, Arnold Schwarzenegger will be in Melbourne for the 21st Century Seminar at the Derrimut Gym, then move onto Sydney and finally Melbourne for The 21st Century Financial Education Summit. It's been 20 long years since Arnold has been to Australia but if you can't attend, don't worry...RELAX! Arnold Fans worldwide wont miss out because our Australian correspondent Dan "The Delts" Deltondo is going to be there. When The Oak flys in, he will be doing a lunch at one of the largest Gyms in Melbourne and doing a one hour talk on Training, Focus & Motivation. Later in the afternoon he will be at a cocktail party with Jamie McIntyre for 21st Century Financial Summit before giving his keynote address at the event...and Dan will be there to cover it all!
The 21st Century Financial Education Summit brings world-renowned entrepreneurs, business men and sports leaders, investors and educators to Australia. It is an annual event but his year, Jamie McIntyre, CEO of 21st Century Education, is bringing one man that embodies ALL of the above! Arnold Schwarzenegger, the greatest bodybuilder of all time, Hollywood's toughest action star and highest paid actor, real estate magnate and the Governator of CA. One of the world’s most successful men, Arnold has reached the top in EVERYTHING he has set out to accomplish.

For the Aussie fans still keen to attend - it's not too late! Get your tickets HERE and enjoy ARNOLD IN AUSTRALIA week!
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