T5 Casting Underway: Emilia Clarke, Please!
There has been a lot of show business chatter on casting prospective for "Terminator 5" and here is what The Arnold Fans can tell you, so far:
Obviously, Arnold has confirmed personally to The Arnold Fans via a San Diego Comic Con 2013 red carpet interview that he will be involved, which is amazing since he confirmed to us he would play the Terminator role. But to understand the casting rumors means the fans have to understand the plot direction this movie could go.
According to ScreenRant.com andSchmoesKnows.com, it is proposed that John Connor will travel through time to link up with a younger version of his mother, Sarah Connor, and that there would apparently be two different Terminator models: Arnold's classic version, and an "upgraded" model portrayed by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
A tentative casting for a younger Sarah is rumored to be Emilia Clarke from "Game of Thrones", which makes sense as she visually mirrors the baby-face look of Linda Hamilton in the first "Terminator" flick before she experiences the trauma that made her a soldier-type badass. Other Sarah hopefuls include Brie Larson of "21 Jump Street" and Margot Robbie from "The Wolf of Wall Street".
As for the pivotal role of John, rumors include Boyd Holbrook of "Hatfields & McCoys" and Garrett Hedlund from "TRON: Legacy". While it is not clear who will be cast, or if Linda Hamilton and Edward Furlong will have any involvement, the film is expected to hit theaters by July 1st, 2015. Does the potential concept of the film and casting prospectives peak your interest, fans?

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