Possible New Arnold Projects: RED 2 & Avatar 2 (NO CRUSADE)!
Several entertainment websites were able to get a "The Last Stand" set visit last year and their articles and interviews with the cast and crew are finally being shared. You can read these reports at such sites as AintItCoolNews, IGN, JoBlo and to name a few. Be sure to read them for details on this January 18th film but here's some bonus movie news from these set visit reports.
JoBlo article reports:
Arnold will talk to James Cameron about being a villain in AVATAR 2 (take that with a grain of salt, it sounded like he was half kidding). He is involved with Cameron in his many causes for the environment though.
Another site reports:
Lorenzo di Bonaventura wants Schwarzenegger to play Igor the Butcher in RED 2. Fans of the original film may remember this character as mentioned in a conversation between Bruce Willis and Brian Cox.
Finally, AintItCoolNews gives us good news and bad. First the bad news: Schwarzenegger does not even own the rights to our favorite unproduced script "Crusade" anymore. So fat chance we'll ever get to see Patrick Schwarzenegger carry the cross.
AICN: But you owned the (Crusade) project now, right?
Arnold: I did, but then I sold it to the hairdresser. [Arnold asks someone the name of the hairdresser. He had his hair straight back… He bought it for a few million dollars. They got the script… But ultimately he bought the script."
Now the good news; Arnold is on the hunt for a lost film script, once written by John Milius! "It’s like a thousand pages and it’s three generations and it’s called THE VIKINGS," Arnold tells AintItCoolNews. Read more about The Vikings by clicking HERE and help Arnold find this script so he can star in it..after Conan the Legend, Red 2, Avatar 2 and so on and so on!

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