The countdown is on for The New Celebrity Apprentice or maybe since we’re now talking with Laila Ali, I’ll say we’re "down for the count” for this heavy-hitting highly-anticipated NBC show! Laila Ali, a world-class athlete, fitness and nutrition expert and TV host may be one of the strongest contenders amongst her other 15 “Apprentice" competitors. The daughter of late beloved global icon and humanitarian Muhammad Ali, speaks with TheArnoldFans on several topics but first we get into some Arnold T-shirt fashion.
TheArnoldFans: Arnold often wears shirts showing your father in the ring. He’s been a big admirer of your dad for decades. How do you feel when Arnold wears clothing showing your father’s image?
Laila Ali: "I think it’s amazing because my father was a big fan of Arnold’s and he (Schwarzenegger) has so much respect for my father. He has told me that on many different occasions and just to see how he’s evolved as a man: an athlete, actor and business man, I know Arnold has a lot of the same principals as my dad did. He’s a hard worker and I have a lot of respect for him."

TheArnoldFans: What are your top 3 favorite Arnold films?
Laila Ali: "What’s the one with Danny Devito? Twins! That was super funny, to me. I thought that was genius and the Terminators! What’s the most recent one? There’s more than one Terminator, as you know, and I love them."
TheArnoldFans: What’s your ideal workout schedule?
Laila Ali: "If everything goes right, five days a week. Sometimes that doesn’t always work out, but that’s my goal; five days a week.”
TheArnoldFans: Have you ever met Arnold in your youth?
Laila Ali: "No but I was on Arnold’s Governor Council of Physical Fitness here in California. So I had that connection with him before."

TheArnoldFans: Which Apprentice did you bond with or clash with the most? Did you form any friendships during your experience?
Laila Ali: "I didn’t really clash with anybody. Not that I agreed and liked everybody, but I didn’t clash. Because I can work as a professional without having to really like someone but I got along well with most all of the ladies. That was surprising.”
Another Apprentice, Jon Lovitz, walks up and overhears our conversation.
Laila Ali: “…and John Lovitz was okay. (she adds, knowing Jon is an earshot away)."
Jon Lovitz: "She tried to knock me out.”
Stick around for our Jon Lovitz and Jerry Bruckheimer the 3rd interview!
Laila is a four-time undefeated boxing world champion whose stellar record includes 24 wins (21 of which were "knockouts") and zero losses. Look for Laila to play for The Woman’s Sports Foundation on The New Celebrity Apprentice on January 2nd from 8-10pm. Follow Laila Ali on her Twitter @TheRealLailaAli.

Article originally appeared on TheArnoldFans (
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